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  • Which do you believe has the strongest influence on how children develop - nature or NURTURE?
    the way in which children are treated as they are growing, especially as compared with the characteristics they are born with
  • It was CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR for Johnny as he came second once again. (IFML)
    used to say that someone almost succeeded, but is not completely successful or correct
  • An EGALITARIAN society. The party's principles are basically EGALITARIAN=> Adams was no EGALITARIAN. (FML)
    believing that all ppl r equally important & should hv the same rights & opportunities in life=> A person who has egalitarian beliefs
  • Farming finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants, known collectively as AQUACULTURE, is one of the world's fastest-growing food sectors.
    the raising of water animals such as fish for food, or the growing of plants in water for food (ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & DRINK specialized)
  • EMPTY threats/rhetoric, They're just EMPTY promises/ He says his life has been completely EMPTY since his wife died=> Don't forget to recycle the EMPTIES.
    Nt sincere o wo any real meaning/ Wo purpose o interest=> An empty bottle or other container, esp one that contained drink
  • (FML) There's no need to BELABOR the point.
    explain ST more than necessary
  • Parents can put the investment in an account where the parent is the legal owner but the child is the BENEFICIAL OWNER=> (The right t receive profits, income, interest, a property o investment tht u own) (LAW, FINANCE, PROPERTY)
    A person o org tht has the right t receive income, profits, a property o investment tht they own=> He had BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP of shares worth $6m.
  • The grammar guide FALLS BETWEEN TWO STOOLS - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.
    If something falls between two stools, it fails to achieve either of two aims
  • The government's economic policy has been DENOUNCED on all sides/ His former colleagues have DENOUNCED him AS a spy.=> DENOUNCEMENT (The end of a story, in which everything is explained, or the end result of a situation)
    Criticize ST o SB strongly & publicly/ Accuse SB publicly f being ST that is bad o wrong
  • Ismailis believe that a BLOODLINE joins the Aga Khan to Mohammed. This is a pedigree poodle - her BLOODLINE is pure.
    all the members of a family group of people or animals over a period of time, especially when considering their shared family characteristics
  • The target date for construction has been PUSHED BACK
    Delay something so that it happens later than planned
  • There are ten employees and they do the various jobs IN ROTATION
    one after the other, in a regular order
  • He had an amazingly PRODUCTIVE five years in which he managed to write four novels/ Theirs was a very PRODUCTIVE partnership/ The English-speaking children's PRODUCTIVE vocabularies ranged from 2 to 31 words (EDUCATION , LANGUAGE)
    Resultin in o providin a large amount o supply f ST/ Havin positive results/ Relatin t the ability t produce language, rather thn just understand it
  • (FML) He erred in agreeing to her appointment to the position=> 25 people have replied to the invitation, but I've ERRED ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION and put out 30 chairs.
    make a mistake or to do something wrong=> Be especially careful rather than taking a risk or making a mistake
    the activity of performing magic to help or harm other people, the use of magic, esp. in stories, to help or harm people
  • A few HARDY souls continue to swim in the sea even in the middle of winter/ A HARDY perennial
    Strong enough t bear extreme conditions o difficult situations/ Hardy plants can live through the winter without protection from the weather
  • Hollywood studios have been CHURNING OUT some very bad movies over the past several years.
    Produce something automatically, without much thought, and in large amounts
  • Demonstrators demanded immediate AUTONOMY for their region/ AUTONOMY
    the right f an org, country,o region t b independent & govern itself/ The ability t make ur own decisions wo bein controlled by anyone else
  • These tent ropes are too SLACK - they need tightening/ Business is always SLACK at this time of year=> There's too much SLACK in these ropes.
    Nt tight; loose/ Showin little activity; nt busy o happenin in a positive way=> The fact tht ST is too loose
  • "The sales figures are up this week." "GREAT STUFF!" (GOOD/LOVELY/ GREAT SUTFF) (IFML)
    something you say to encourage or praise someone
  • She cast a DISDAINFUL glance at the food. He is openly DISDAINFUL OF journalists who question him. (FML)
    Showing that someone does not like someone or something and thinks that they do not deserve interest or respect
  • Our debit cards are now contactless and will work at CONTACTLESS readers throughout the UK. CONTACTLESS cards, CONTACTLESS payment
    relating to the use of wireless technology to make a payment using a credit card or debit card, or a mobile phone (FINANCE & ECONOMICS)
  • FATHOM=> I can't FATHOM her at all/ I just couldn’t FATHOM what he was talking about.
    a unit fo measurin the depth f water, equal t 1.8 metres o 6 feet=> Understand SB or why SB acts as they do/ Discover the meaning of ST
  • The drug is being studied for possible beneficial effects IN RELATION TO migraine headaches/ She checked the map to see where Miami is IN RELATION TO Orlando.
    connection with something/ In relation to also means compared with
  • I am calling IN/WITH REGARD TO your recent inquiry.
    in relation to someone or something
  • The company yesterday confirmed that she was no longer ON ITS PAYROLL as a paid consultant.
    (HR) Be employed by a particular company (BE ON THE PAYROLL)
  • The prince often travelled abroad INCOGNITO.
    avoiding being recognized, by changing your name or appearance
  • It's not good the way she PANDERS TO his every whim. Political leaders almost inevitably PANDER TO big business.
    Do o provide exactly what a person o group wants, esp when it is nt acceptable, reasonable, o approved f, usu in order t get some personal advantage
  • The intention of all these ideas is to increase the efficiency, competitiveness, and, ultimately, the PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY of the economy.
    the ability of a country, area, organization, etc. to produce things
  • an IMPROMPTU party/performance
    done or said without earlier planning or preparation
  • (INTERNET & TELECOMS) Internet TRAFFIC, Twitter TRAFFIC, Web/website/site TRAFFIC, We can give you advice on how to improve your site TRAFFIC and generate sales.
    The activity of data and messages passing through an online communication system or the number of visits to a particular website
  • A PAYROLL tax, The company is growing fast, adding another 100 employees to its PAYROLL over the last year/ With debts of $4 million and a monthly PAYROLL of $1.2 million, the venture is clearly heading for trouble.
    a list f the ppl employed by a company showing how much each one earns/ The total amount f money paid t the ppl employed by a particular company
  • He's a good player, but he's GOT NOTHING ON HIS brother. (IFML)
    not be as good as someone or something
  • She claims to have OCCULT powers, given to her by some mysterious spirit=> THE OCCULTS
    relating to magical powers and activities, such as those of witchcraft and astrology=> the study of magic or mysterious powers
  • She got some books out of the library and IMMERSED HERSELF IN Jewish history and culture/ The shells should be IMMERSED IN boiling water for two minutes.
    become completely involved in ST/ Put something or someone completely under the surface of a liquid (FML)
  • Viewing the battle scene up close is an EYE-OPENING experience. "Hacking Democracy" is an EYE-OPENING documentary about the dangers of relying on computers to record election results.=> Living in another country can be a real EYE-OPENER.
    surprising, and teaching you new facts about life, people, etc
  • I EMPTIED the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case/ The place EMPTIED pretty quickly when the fight started.
    remove everything from inside ST/ Become empty
  • a carefully NURTURED garden (FML)/ As a record company executive, his job is to NURTURE young talent/ Winifred NURTURED ambitions for her daughter to be a surgeon (Hv a particular emotion, plan,o idea fo a long time)
    Take care f, feed,& protect SB o ST,esp young children o plants,& help him,her,o it t develop/ Help a plan o a person t develop & b successful/... (FML)
  • A milk CHURN, A butter CHURN
    A large container fo transporting milk o fo making milk into butter
  • He has a BENEFICIAL INTEREST in 17,000 shares in the company (LAW, FINANCE)/ The property law in Scotland does not recognize a difference between the legal and the BENEFICIAL INTERESTS in inherited property. (LAW, PROPERTY)
    The right t receive income, profits, interest, a business, contract,o investment/ The right t live in or receive income fm a property
  • Some point in the FAR-OFF future/ A FAR-OFF land
    A time that is far-off, is a long time before or after the present/ A far-off place is a great distance away
  • The last of her children had recently moved out and she was suffering from EMPTY NEST SYNDROME=> EMPTY NESTER (A person whose adult children have left home) (NESTER)
    the sad feelings that parents have when their children grow up and leave home
  • The whole region is IN TURMOIL. The country is IN a state of political TURMOIL. The Stock Exchange is IN TURMOIL following a huge wave of selling.
    a state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder
  • Sheep's milk cheese is the QUINTESSENTIAL Corsican cheese=> She is QINTESSENTIALLY American.
    being the most typical example or most important part of something
  • He ASSERTS that she stole money from him/ She very rarely ASSERTS her authority over the children=> I really must ASSERT MYSELF more in meetings=> I certainly don't agree with his ASSERTION that men are better drivers than women
    (FML) Say tht ST is certainly true/ Do ST t show tht u hv power=> Behave in a way tht expresses ur confidence, importance,o power & earns u respect fm others
  • A woman of great intelligence and WIT. Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of WIT and charm/ Sydney Smith, a notable WIT, once remarked that he never read a book
    Th ability t use words in a clever & humorous way/ SB who is skilled at using words in a clever & humorous way
  • After a few months' contact the monkeys become very TAME/ It was a TAME film in comparison to some that she's made=> He'll need to TAME his temper if he wants to succeed (Control something dangerous or powerful)=> TAMEABLE
    (Animals) nt wild o dangerous, either naturally o bc f training o long involvement w humans/ Nt interesting o exciting=> Make a wild animal TAME/Control st
  • In "a sudden movement", "sudden" is an adjective in the ATTRIBUTIVE position. In "the television aerial", "television" is a noun used in an ATTRIBUTIVE way. (LANGUAGE)=> The adjective "warm" is used ATTRIBUTIVELY in the phrase "a warm day".
    (of the position or use of an adjective, noun, or phrase) before a noun
  • Her success can be ATTRIBUTED TO three main factors/ This idea has long been ATTRIBUTED TO Keynes, but in fact he was not the first to think of it=> The usual ATTRIBUTION of the work to Leonardo is now disputed by several experts.
    Say o think tht ST is the result f a particular thing/ Say tht a particular person was the first person t say ST, do ST, invent ST, etc=> The act f sayin o thin
  • We can't go to the party EMPTY-HANDED.
    without bringing or taking anything
  • In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a VINDICTIVE former prisoner.
    having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
  • A FORMIDABLE obstacle/task, A FORMIDABLE adversary/enemy/opponent/ There were FORMIDABLE obstacles to reaching an early settlement of the dispute.
    Causing u t hv fear o respect fo ST o SB bc that thing o person is large, powerful, o difficult/Strong & powerful, & therefore difficult t deal w if opposed t u
  • Opponents of BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP argue that it attracts more illegal immigrants.
    Citizenship that is given in some countries t all children who r born there, even if their parents r nt citizens
  • An extra payment that is given to an employee as a way of persuading them not to leave the company, esp at a time when the company is experiencing big changes
    McCormick is set to get a $500,000 RETENTION BONUS at the end of his five-year contract. (HR, MANAGEMENT)
  • Jim works in a bank, but teaches French in the evenings as a SIDELINE/ (US) The ball fell just inside/on/outside the SIDELINE
    An activity that you do as well as your main job/ A line that shows the position f the side f an area where a sport is played
  • A wine/art CONNOISSEUR, A CONNOISSEUR of ballet/cigars
    a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, etc. and can judge quality and skill in that subject
    silly, stupid, or not having good judgment
  • He's either a hero or a VILLAIN, depending on your point of view/He made his reputation as an actor playing VILLAINS/We've always been told that cholesterol was a major cause of heart disease but,actually, saturated fat is the worst VILLAIN
    A bad person who harms other ppl o breaks the law/ A character in a book, play, film, etc. who harms other ppl/ST o SB considered harmful o dangerous
  • We wanted to find a camping site that was a little bit OFF THE BEATEN PATH
    Not known or popular with many people
    competition and arguments among brothers and sisters
  • EMPIRICAL studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective=> She proved EMPIRICALLY that the treatment works=> EMPIRICISM
    based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory=> The belief in using empirical methods (SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCE)
  • Some men see well-paid, powerful jobs as their BIRTHRIGHT. Americans see freedom of expression as their BIRTHRIGHT.
    ST that u believe u deserve t hv bc f ur family situation o social class, o bc u believe it is ur right as a human being
  • Everyone SLACKS OFF/UP at the end of the week. You'll be in trouble if you're caught SLACKING ON the job.
    work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly (IFML)
  • We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will MAKE AN EXCEPTION=> Why did you TAKE EXCEPTION what he said? He was only joking.
    Nt treat SB o ST according t the usual rules=> Be offended or made angry by ST or SB
  • Organizational ability is an essential ATTRIBUTE FOR a good manager/ Self-confidence is a rare ATTRIBUTE in a 17-year-old.
    A quality o characteristic tht SB o ST has/ A quality o feature f a person o thing, esp. one tht is an important part f its nature
  • The RETENTION of old technology has slowed the company's growth (FML)/ Employee RETENTION is one of the major issues confronting business today.
    The continued use, existence,o possession f ST o SB/ The ability f a company t keep its employees & stop em fm goin t work somewhere else (WORKPLACE, HR)
    energy from food containing no nutrients (= substances that keep you healthy)
  • If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more ASSERTIVE=> ASSERTIVELY=> ASSERTIVENESS
    SB who is assertive behaves confidently & is nt frightened t say wht they want o believe
  • I don't know why he gets so upset about something so TRIVIAL. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a TRIVIAL matter/ Getting computers to understand human language is not a TRIVIAL problem
    Having little value or importance/ A trivial problem is easy to solve
  • The River Tees EMPTIES INTO the North Sea.
    If a river empties into a larger area of water, the water from it flows into that larger area
  • I'm a busy man - don't bother me with TRIVIALITIES/ The prison sentence seemed harsh, considering the TRIVIALITY of the offence.
    something that is not important/ The state of not being important:
  • The newspaper gave an editorial APPRAISAL OF the government's achievements of the past year/ Many companies operate regular job APPRAISALS, often on an annual basis. (Job/Performance Appraisal)
    The act f examinin SB o ST so as t judge their qualities, success,o needs/ A meeting in which an employee discusses his o her progress, aims,& needs at work(HR)
  • Snow and ice have left many roads TREACHEROUS, and drivers are warned to use caution/Vargas plays the part of a TREACHEROUS aristocrat who betrays his king and country. I feel a bit TREACHEROUS to my own sex if I ever make general criticism
    If the ground o sea is tre, it is extremely dangerous, esp bc f bad weather conditions/ A person who is tre deceives SB who trusts em, o has no loyalty
  • The sea was CHURNED UP by heavy winds/ CHURN/ I had my driving test that morning and my stomach was CHURNING.
    Move ST, esp a liquid, w great force/ Mix milk until it becomes butter/ If your stomach is churning, you feel ill, usually because you are nervous
  • The changes to the national health system will be IMPLEMENTED next year=> Various projects for constructing new schools are under IMPLEMENTATION in the region.
    start using a plan or system
  • More business investment would PICK UP THE SLACK in the economy. The drug maker is having problems with production, but none of its competitors have TAKEN UP THE SLACK
    make a business, industry, or economy operate more effectively by doing the work that someone else has stopped doing but that still needs to be done
  • The chef has brought out his own range of stainless steel COOKWARE.
    items such as pans, bowls, knives, spoons, etc. used in cooking
  • We booked the trip ON A WHIM. You can add what you want to this mixture - brandy, whisky, or nothing at all - as the WHIM takes you.
    a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained
  • The building's UPPERMOST floors were engulfed with flames. Store the canisters with their lids UPPERMOST. What's UPPERMOST in your mind just before a race?
    In the highest position or having the most importance
  • (US) The report criticizes the HAM-HANDED way in which complaints were dealt with.
    Doing things in an awkward or unskilled way when using the hands or dealing with people
  • It's highly IMPROBABLE that Norris will agree. An IMPROBABLE-sounding excuse
    Not likely to happen or be true
    a very dangerous situation in which an accident is very likely
  • Johnson has been SIDELINED through injury/ He was SIDELINED after criticizing the policy.
    If a sports player is sidelined they r prevented frm playing o competing, & cn only watch/ Stop SB taking an active and important part in ST
  • There are 256 people ON THE BOOKS at the cement works. The nursery has 30 babies ON THE BOOKS and 13 on the waiting list/ A ban on texting while driving is ON THE BOOKS in most states.
    Officially employed by a company, o an official member f an org, society, sports team, etc/ Officially recorded, especially as a law (US)
  • There are EXCEPTIONS TO every rule. I like all kinds of movies WITH THE EXCEPTION OF (= but not) horror movies. Her books are always entertaining and this one is NO EXCEPTION. You must report here every Tuesday WITHOUT EXCEPTION
    SB o ST that is not included in a rule, group, o list o that does not behave in the expected way
  • Giulio was looking quite PRESENTABLE in a suit and tie. I need to have a wash and make myself PRESENTABLE for our guests.
    looking suitable or good enough, especially in the way you are dressed
  • The divers checked their breathing APPARATUS/ The whole APPARATUS of communism was already falling apart
    A set f equipment o tools o a machine tht is used fo a particular purpose/ An organization or system, especially a political one
  • These small companies now have their own DISCRETE identity=> He criticizes the idea that subject disciplines can be DISCRETELY identified and considered in isolation.
    clearly separate or different in shape or form
  • Why is ALDUTING so hard? ADULTING includes things like keeping your home clean and paying bills. (IFML)
    actions and behaviour that are considered typical of adults, not children or young people
  • (The ability f a company t keep its customers, rather thn losin em t competitors)/ (An amount of money tht is owed t SB fo doin work but tht is nt paid until the work has been completed in a satisfactory way) (ACCOUNTING)
    Customer retention is the key to profitable growth (COMMERCE)/ If a withheld RETENTION is disputed, the contractor is generally entitled to adjudication.
  • They KEPT her IN overnight for observation.
    make a child stay inside as a punishment, or to make someone stay in hospital
    If customers churn between different companies that provide a particular service, they change repeatedly from one to another.
  • Indeed, younger people in minority communities have been able to be more SELF-ASSERTIVE about their differences.
    giving your opinions in a powerful way so that other people will notice
  • She has long loved the EGALITARIANISM of life at sea. Companies in Silicon Valley are supposedly centres of EGALITARIANISM. (FML)
    the belief in or practising of egalitarian principles (= the idea that all people should have the same rights and opportunities)
  • The improvement in sales figures had a BENEFICIAL effect/influence on the company as a whole. A stay in the country will be BENEFICIAL TO his health.
    helpful, useful, or good
  • Statistical ANOMALIES can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next=> (Different fm wht is usual,o nt in agreement w ST else & therefore nt satisfactory)
    A person o thing tht is different fm wht is usual,o nt in agreement w ST else & therefore nt satisfactory (FML)=> The experiment yielded ANOMALOUS results.
  • Are you Hungarian, BY ANY CHANCE? Could you lend me a couple of pounds, by any chance? You wouldn't, BY ANY CHANCE, have a calculator on you, would you?
    used to ask a question or request in a polite way
  • She loved the PAGEANTRY and tradition of the monarchy.
    Impressive and colourful ceremonies
  • ASSERTIVE TRAINING can give you the skills that will bring you greater success both in the workplace and in your personal life. (HR, MANAGEMENT)
    courses or other forms of training that teach people to behave confidently and to say what they want or believe, and to do this without annoying other people
  • She learned to survive on her WITS.
    intelligence and the ability to think quickly