
Preparing for the speaking test

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  • What do you push? What do you pull?
    We push a ..., ..., and ... . We pull a ..., ..., and ... .
  • How did people tell time before clocks?
    People told time by watching the sun move across the sky. People could also tell time by watching the moon and the stars.
  • What is speed?
    Speed is how fast things move. Some things move fast and some things move slowly.
  • What sports do you like to play with your friends?
    I really like playing ... with my friends. We play ... times a week.
  • How do people celebrate Diwali?
    Diwali is an Indian festival also known as The Festival of Lights. People light candles and decorate their homes with flowers. ....
  • How do you have fun?
    (your answer)
  • Is it easier to push your teacher or your best friend on a swing? Why?
    I think, it's easier to push my friend on a swing. Teacher is heavier than my friend, so we need to use a big force to move heavy objects.
  • Name some ways people can have fun.
    People have fun in many ways. The most popular ones are celebrating festivals, playing sports, or joining community events.
  • What do you celebrate with your family?
    We celebrate .. with my family. We decorate our home, give gifts...
  • How many time zones are there? When it's 6 pm in your country, what time is it on the opposite side of the world?
    There're 24 time zones. When it's 6 pm in my country, it's 6 am on the opposite side of our planet.
  • Can a force change the speed of things? How?
    A force can change the speed of things. When you push a door with a small force, the door opens slowly, but when you push it with a big force, it opens quickly.
  • How much time does it take for the Earth to make a complete turn on its axis?
    It takes 1 day or 24 hours for the Earth to turn on its axis.
  • Why do you think it takes the Earth so long to travel around the sun?
    I think it takes so much time for the Earth to move around the sun because our Universe is extremely huge, and the distance between the sun and the Earth is...
  • What is a force? What forces do you know?
    Force is what makes things move. Push and pull are forces.
  • How much time does it take for the Earth to orbit the sun once?
    It takes 365 days or 1 year for the Earth to orbit the sun once.