
Feudal monarchy vobaculary

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  • What were the obligations of the peasants?
    Provide their labour, give part of their harvest and pay taxes, pay for the right to fish and hunt, obey all the lord's orders and respect his justice
  • What are 5 parts of the Feudal Castle
    bedroom, oven, tower, wall, battlements, well, guard post, drawbridge, portcullis, stables, blacksmith's, chapel, keep, store and cellar
  • Could someone born into the family of an artisan or peaseant become a nobel?
    No, the social group you were born into were closed and people remained there for life.
  • What was the most important actvity that nobels did?
    Training for battle
  • What did nobels do in their castles?
    looking after the fiefdom on horseback, reciving vassles, imparting justice, amd collecting taxes and food from their serfs.
  • What was the religion that most people practiced during the middle ages?
  • What could free peasents and serfs do?
    Free peasants owned their own land and were not legally bound to a lord? They had the right to get married, leave the fiefdom, learn a trade, etc.
  • Where did nobels live?
    in fortified castles
  • Coronation ceremony
    The crowing of a new royal.
  • What happened at a party for nobels?
    performers told stories, juggled, and sang. The nobels ate a lot of meat (with their hands) and drank wine and beer.
  • What did nobel women do?
    They were resposible for the servents and domestic matters. They also played music, embrodred, rode horses and hunted.
  • What animals did nobles most commonly hunt?
    wild pigs, deer, and foxes