
Santiago- Classification of living things

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  • How do reptiles breathe?
    through their lungs
  • How do mammals breathe?
    through their lungs
  • How do amphibians' eating habits change as they age?
    tadpoles are herbivores and adults are carnivores
  • Where is pollen produced?
    in the round sacs in flower stamens
  • What process takes place if a bird moves pollen from one place to another?
  • Fill in the blanks: tadpoles breathe through ____ and adults breathe through their _____ and _____
    gills; wet skin, lungs
  • How do fungi reproduce?
    They reproduce with spores, which grow to make mushrooms
  • Where does fertilisation take place in amphibians? What are babies called?
    In eggs, outside of the female. Babies are called tadpoles
  • Are bacteria harmful or beneficial? Give examples
    Both! Bacteria in yogurts and medicines help humans with digestion and other functions. Some bacteria cause disease, like meningitis.
  • What are the five groups of vertebrate animals?
    mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish
  • What is the green substance in plant leaves that catch sunlight?
  • What are sori?
    the small bumps on the underside of fern leaves, which make spores
  • What are the four steps plants take to produce seeds?
    pollination, fertilisation, fruit formation, and germination
  • put in order from SMALLEST to LARGEST: trees, grasses & herbs, shrubs
    grasses & herbs (smaller), shrubs (medium-sized), trees (large)
  • What are hyphae?
    long branching filaments that make up multicellular fungi
  • What is the process in which plants make their own food?
  • Fill in the blanks: Fish breathe through their ____, and most of them have a _____ that helps them to float or sink
    gills; swim bladder
  • What is xylem sap? How is it transported?
    a mix of water and mineral salts used during photosynthesis. It is transported through the stem to the leaves via xylem vessels.
  • Do grasses and herbs have WOODY or NON-WOODY stems?
  • What nutrients do plants get from the AIR? How do they get it?
    Plants get carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves?
  • TRUE or FALSE: grasses & herbs normally live longer than trees
    FALSE! Grasses and herbs only live for a few months, while trees can live for many years
  • can plants move?
  • What happens during plant fertilisation?
    Grains of pollen enter the pistil and join the ovule
  • What part of plant respiration only happens during the daytime?
  • What are birds' skin covered with?
  • What are pathogens?
    harmful bacteria that can cause disease
  • What do plants produce during photosynthesis?
  • What are viviparous animals?
    Animals that grow offspring inside their bodies
  • What are moulds? Where do they grow?
    Moulds are a sign of decomposition and decay. They grow on
  • Fill in the blank: Plants breathe through all their parts, but only the ______ are involved in photosynthesis
  • What nutrients do plants get from the soil? How do they get it?
    Plants get water and mineral salts from the soil through their roots
  • What is germination?
    When the fruit of a fertilised pistil falls from the plant, and begins to grow into a new plant
  • Are birds viviparous or oviparous?
  • What are the five kingdoms of life?
    fungi, plant, animal, monera and protists
  • What are fins?
    fish limbs!
  • What are the three main parts of plants?
    the stem, leaves, and roots
  • Are reptiles aquatic, terrestrial, or both?
  • What are a flower's reproductive organs? Which is female and which is male?
    the PISTIL is female, the STAMENS are male