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  • When is your birthday?
    Your birthday
  • Translate into English: Tôi đã thuê một căn hộ ở Hà Nội.
    I rented a flat/ an apartment in Hanoi.
  • What did he do last summer?
    He went to the beach
  • What did you have for breakfast?
    I had a sandwich and coffee
  • Fill in the blank: A: Where (1)_____ you yesterday at 9PM? B: I was (2)____ a meeting.
    (1) were (2) in
  • What time did she get up?
    She got up at 9.
  • Fill in the blank: When did they ______ at the hotel?
  • What was the day yesterday?
    Yesterday was Tuesday.
  • What does she do?
    She calls a friend.
  • Fill in the blank: Where ____ he last night?
  • Are there any apples in the picture?
    No, there are not (aren't).
  • Do you go to the beach in the summer or winter?
    Your answer.
  • Fill in the blank: I _____ a present to my mother on her birthday last month.
  • Fill in the blank: A: (1)_______ (2)______ you park the car? B: I (3)______ it near my house.
    (1) Where (2) did (3) parked
  • What can you see in the picture?
    I see ___/ There are ___
  • Make a question with When using past simple
    When did you go to school? When was your class?
  • Fill in the blank: I ____ (see) a dog outside yesterday.
  • Fill in the blank: There _____ a pillow in the picture.
    is not (isn't)
  • Fill in the blank: There (1)____ a (2)_____ in the picture.
    There is a bath in the room.
  • Name the months that have 30 days
    April, June, September, November
  • What did they do?
    They went to the cinema.
  • Make a sentence: In my room, there ______
    Your answer