
Nervous System Overview & Medical Terms

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  • A reoccurring, pulsating, vascular headache that usually develops on one side of the head, often preceded by an aura
  • In the term Craniotomy, the suffix means
    incision into
  • Conducts impulses towards the cell body
  • Surgical removal of the bony arches from one or more vertebrae is known as
  • Name a type of muscle tissue under involuntary control
    skeletal muscle
  • The root word radicul/o
  • Which division of the Nervous System processes and stores sensory and motor information
  • The set of 12 nerves that originate in the Brain
    Cranial nerves
  • The suffix –plegia means
  • The Spinal Cord is a pathway for what
    Impulses traveling to and from the Brain
  • How are the cranial nerves labeled
    With Roman Numerals
  • The term that describes "without speech" ( say it and spell it out )
  • The root word dendr/o
  • What are the 2 divisions of the Nervous System
    The Central Nervous System & The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Root Word Crani/o means
  • A very brief period of ischemia in the brain, lasting from minutes to hours, which can cause a variety of symptoms
    Transient Ischemic Attack
  • The root word caus/o
  • The functions of the Cranial Nerves are
    Sensory, motor, or both
  • The root word tax/o
  • What separates the Left & Right Cerebral Hemispheres
    The Longitudinal Fissure
  • The suffix -sis means
  • This occurs when a cerebral vessel ruptures, allowing blood into the CSF, brain tissue, or sub arachnoid space
    cerebral hemorrhage
  • The term Bradykinesia means
    Abnormally slow movement
  • Which division of the Nervous System contains the Cranial and Spinal Nerves
  • Contains the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers of the Brain
    medulla oblongata
  • The term Quadriplegia means
    Paralysis of all 4 extremities
  • The Meninges do what for the Brain and Spinal Cord
    Protect and nourish it
  • In the term Dyphasia, the prefix means
  • The Root Word Spin/o means
  • The prefix hypo- means
    below or under
  • What Neuroglia cell produces the myelin sheath for the Axons?
  • The suffix –cele means
    hernia or tumor
  • The weblike middle layer of the meninges
    arachnoid layer
  • The Cerebrum contains elevations (folds) and grooves (ridges) known as
    Gyri and sulci
  • A broken segment of the skull thrust into the brain as a result of direct force
    depressed skull fracture
  • The Spinal Cord affects
    The lower limbs and lower trunk
  • Measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain and recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp
    EEG - electroencephalography
  • The root word thec/o
  • What is the second largest part of the Brain
    The Cerebellum
  • What does the Nervous System consist of
    Brain, Spinal Cord, Cranial & Spinal Nerves
  • The Spinal Cord carries how many pairs of Spinal Nerves
  • The term Encephalitis means
    Inflammation of the Brain (or spinal cord tissue)
  • Conducts impulses away from the cell body
  • A degenerative disease that progresses through stages ending with the deterioration of mental, emotional, and physical functioning
  • What are the 2 hemispheres of the Brain
    The Left & Right Cerebral Hemisphere
  • What nerves carry impulses from the CNS to the body
  • A usually temporary weakness and paralysis of the muscles in the face
    Bells Palsy
  • What did you enjoy learning most about the Nervous System? Each Teammate must answer.
  • Name a type of muscle tissue NOT under voluntary control
  • A small hollow within the brain that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
  • The root word Cervic/o
  • The Root Word Thromb/o means
  • In the term Myelography, the root word means bone marrow? True or False
  • In the term Electromyography What are the root word(s)
    electricity and muscle