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  • What other country celebrates Thanksgiving? - UK - CANADA - AUSTRALIA - JAPAN
  • What Football team ALWAYS plays on thanksgiving? - Dallas Cowboys -LA Lakers -NY Jets -Philadelphia 76ers
    Dallas COwboys
  • What happens on Black friday?
    discounts, fights, deals, buying, etc.
  • Say 3 things you are grateful for
  • What's the name of the Thanksgiving parade?
    Macys Day Parade
  • What food did the native americans show the pilgrims how to harvest?
  • TRUE OR FALSE: the UK also celebrates Thanksgiving
  • What day of the week do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • How many days was the first Thanksgiving? - 3 - 7 -14 -0
  • Why did the pilgrims leave the UK? -better weather -religious freedom -they were bored -better food
    religious freedom
  • What was the name of the Pilgrims ship/boat?
  • How many people go to the Macys Day Parade? - 3.5 million - 10 million - 10 thousand - 100 thousand
    3.5 million
  • Name TWO Thanksgiving side dishes? Not turkey or pie
    stuffing, mac and cheese, mashed potatotes salad, bread, cranberry sauce, .... etc
  • When is Black Friday?
    the day after Thanksgiving
  • Where in the USA did the Pilgrims go? - NYC - Chicago - Pennsylvania - Plymouth
  • True or False: Pilgrims were the 1st people in America
    FALSE!!! Native americans
  • What group of people traveled from the UK to the USA in 1620?
  • What was the name of the Native American chief?
    chief Squanto
  • What's this called?
    Cranberry sauce/cranberries
  • What's the most popular flavor pie?
  • TruE Or fALse: We put gravy on turkey?
  • How much does the heaviest turkey weigh? - 12 kg - 23 kg - 39 kg -51 kg
    39 kg
  • How many pies are eaten on Thanksgiving? -10 million -50 mill -100 mill -500 mil
    50 million