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  • She BRINGS IN about $600 a week/ We're hoping that the price reductions will BRING IN the customers. The new sales team has BROUGHT IN a lot of new business/ We need to BRING IN an expert to deal with this problem.
    earn money/ Attract SB o st t a place o business/ Ask SB t do a particular job
  • There is concern about the power of FAKE NEWS to affect election results.
    false stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke
  • She campaigns for ANIMAL RIGHTS. ANIMAL RIGHTS activists protested outside the laboratory.
    the rights of animals to be treated well, for example by not being used for testing drugs or by not being hunted
    said when you are frightened to do something again because you had an unpleasant experience doing it the first time
  • (FML) She cast a DISDAINFUL glance at the food. He is openly DISDAINFUL of journalists who question him.
    showing that someone does not like someone or something and thinks that they do not deserve interest or respect
  • A HERD of cattle/elephants/goats/ Poor Janine - she just follows the HERD (= does what all the other people are doing).
    A large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together/ A large group of people that is considered together as a group and not separately
  • We went the wrong way and had to BACKTRACK till we got to the right turning/ The officers were forced to BACKTRACK ON their statements. She refused to BACKTRACK FROM her criticisms of the proposal.
    go back along a path tht u hv just followed/ Say tht u did nt mean st u said earlier o say tht u hv changed ur opinion
  • You can always TURN TO ME for help if you need it=> I think we’ve spent enough time on this issue – let’s TURN TO the new business now/ TURN TO page 27.
    Get help from SB=> Think about or begin t consider ST/ Open a book to a particular page
  • a holiday organized by a travel company in which you visit several different places and for which you pay a fixed price that includes the cost of the hotel and travel, and sometimes food (COMMERCE)
    This is a destination where it may well be advantageous to take a PACKAGE TOUR as there are good offers with hotel/flight arrangements.
  • The chances of her getting the job are about EVEN/ 6 is an EVEN number and 7 is an odd number=> Sheila was awarded a scholarship in chemistry, and now her brother has EVENED the score with a scholarship in economics.
    Equally likely to happen as to not happen/ Forming a whole number that can be divided exactly by two=> Make 2 things equal
    a piece of flavoured hard candy shaped like a cane (= a walking stick)
  • There is little ROOM FOR DOUBT about what happened.
    a possibility of something being true
  • This theory needs to be backed up with solid EMPIRICAL data/evidence. EMPIRICAL studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective=> She proved EMPIRICALLY that the treatment works. New theories can be EMPIRICALLY
    Based on what is experienced o seen rather than on theory
  • It's time to get familiar with edamame, or the totally SNACKABLE pods of young soybean plants/ (F articles, videos, etc.on the internet) tht u cn read o play in small amounts o fo a short time)
    Suitable fo eatin as a snack (a small amount f food tht is eaten btw meals)/ Make your videos "SNACKABLE". Keep each video less than four minutes long.
  • At college he ROOMS WITH this guy from Nebraska. (US0
    rent a room from someone, or share a rented room with someone
  • Their relationship is based on TRUST and understanding. We were obviously wrong to put our TRUST in her/ He works for a charitable TRUST. Housing TRUSTS help to provide houses for people who are not well off.
    the belief that u can trust SB o ST/ An org that controls property &/o money fo another person
  • The CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD functions as the spokesperson for the board and the company. A board member since 2009, he was appointed CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD in 2011.
    the person who is in charge of a large company and leads its board of directors
  • Declare a CEASEFIRE
    an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace
  • Mom SENT ME OUT to weed the garden/ The laser SENDS OUT a long red beam of light/ Frank SENT OUT about 400 invitations to his party.
    ask or demand that SB go somewhere/ If energy or a signal is sent out, it is produced/ Mail ST
    a container for water with a handle and a long tube used for pouring water onto garden plants
  • It wasn't really PLAYING FAIR not to tell her the job was already filled.
    act in a fair and honest way
  • TRUST Chris TO leave the tickets at home!
    Used to say that it is typical of someone to do something stupid (TRUST SB TO DO STH) (IFML)
    Refuse to do something because you feel you are too important to do it (FML)
  • The majority of the employees have university degrees/ (LAW) The age of MAJORITY. She will inherit her father's estate when she reaches her MAJORITY.
    the larger number or part of ST/ The age when you legally become an adult
  • I thought the SKETCH ABOUT celebrity chefs was really funny.
    A short written o spoken story that does not hv many details/ A short, humorous part f a longer show on stage, TV, o radio
  • FRESH-FACED 18 and 19–year-old soldiers
    looking young
  • He regarded most men as his social, moral, and intellectual INFERIORS=> His ill treatment as a child had given him a strong sense of INFERIORITY.
    SB who is considered to be less important than other people=> The state of not being good, or not as good as someone or ST else
  • a GARLAND of white roses=>(LITERARY) They garlanded the visitors with scented flowers
    A circle made f flowers & leaves worn around the neck o head as a decoration=> Put garlands on SB o ST
  • (IFML) The stolen pictures were STASHED (AWAY) in a warehouse. He needed a place to STASH some cash=> They discovered a STASH of money hidden at the back of a drawer. Quilters are notorious for having big STASHES of fabrics.
    Store o hide ST, esp a large amount=> An amount of ST that has been stored or hidden, esp a large amount
  • My mother made a (pencil) SKETCH OF my brother reading a book=> The art students were told to SKETCH the landscape. When I have some spare time, I like to SKETCH. The artist has SKETCHED OUT a design for the new school.
    A simple, quickly-made drawing that does not hv many details=> Make a sketch of something
  • He alerted authorities after realizing the company was substituting INFERIOR PRODUCTS for the ones they ordered.
    a product whose quality is low, or lower than other similar products
  • He was clever, handsome, and EXCEEDINGLY rich.
    To a very great degree (FML)
  • a NATIONWIDE network/chain of stores=> Schools NATIONWIDE are experiencing a shortage of teachers. (COUNTRYWIDE)
    existing or happening in all parts of a particular country=> In all parts of a particular country
  • CONTENT THEORIES explain the specific factors that motivate people at work (HR, MANAGEMENT)
    a theory that tries to explain why employees behave in the way that they do
  • ROSE
    a circular object with small holes in it that is put on the end of a watering can (= a container used for pouring water on plants)
  • These products are INFERIOR TO those we bought last year/ An INFERIOR officer/ INFERIOR (ANATOMY)/ INFERIOR (MEDICAL)
    nt good,o nt as good as SB o st else/ Lower,o f lower rank/ F the lower surface f a body part/ Refer t a body part tht is below another body part
    If two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop trying to persuade each other that they are right.
  • I wanted to take two weeks' holiday, but had to CONTENT MYSELF WITH one because the office was so busy.
    do something or have something although it is not exactly what you want
  • All the dictionary examples are taken from a CORPUS of billions of words (PL: CORPORA)/ CORPUS
    A collection f written o spoken material stored on a computer & used t find out how language is used/ A body or the main part of an organ (MEDICAL)
  • A CULTURED man
    A cultured person has had a good education and knows a lot about art, music, literature, etc.
  • An EVEN bet, If I were betting I'd take EVEN money on United.
    used to refer to a situation in which you risk money on something where the risk is equally balanced, and will pay back twice the amount of money that is paid
  • (FML) He regards the political process WITH DISDAIN=> The older musicians DISDAIN the new, rock-influenced music
    The feeling f not liking SB o ST & thinking that they do not deserve ur interest o respect=> Feel disdain fo SB o ST
  • Another LOW-COST airline went bust after expanding too fast. There is pressure on capital cities to provide LOW-COST housing for its nurses and teachers.
    cheap, or not costing as much as other things of the same type (COMMERCE, FINANCE)
  • This machine is the FLAGSHIP in our new range of computers. The company's FLAGSHIP store is in New York.
    the best or most important product, idea, building, etc. that an organization owns or produces
  • I had a terrible headache, but EVEN SO I went to the concert. An immediate interest cut might give a small boost to the economy. EVEN SO, any recovery is likely to be very slow.
    Despite what has just been said
  • The final cost should not EXCEED $5,000. The success of our campaign has EXCEEDED our wildest expectations. She was found guilty on three charges of EXCEEDING the speed limit.
    be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit
  • Several broadcasters have been criticized for failing to give EVEN-HANDED treatment to all the parties during the election campaign.
    Treating everyone fairly and equally
  • The first thing they did was to RING AROUND all their competitors' stores undercover to find out their prices. I always RING AROUND to get the cheapes (COMMUNICATIONS)
    call several people on the phone in order to find out information or organize something
    believe that something is true although you have no proof
  • Chimpanzees are one of the closest human relatives in THE ANIMAL KINGDOM
    animals as one of the groups that all natural things can be divided into
  • a BRASH young banker/ Don't you think that suit's a bit BRASH FOR a funeral?=> BRASHNESS
    (of ppl)showing too much confidence & too little respect/ (Of clothes) too bright & colourful
  • I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd MAKE A VIRTUE OF necessity by acquiring a few new skills.
    Use ST, especially a bad situation, to your advantage
  • His PLATOON was ambushed. A PLATOON commander/ The captain was in the lead vehicle of the PLATOON. First there is a PLATOON of motorcycle outriders who will clear the streets ahead.
    A small group f bout 10 o 12 soldiers, w a lieutenant in charge f it/ A group f vehicles, esp military vehicles
  • Under the terms of the TRUST, he receives interest on the money, but he cannot get at the money itself. The money that her father left her is being held/kept in TRUST (= being controlled) for her until she's 30.
    a legal arrangement in which a person or organization controls property and/or money for another person or organization
  • SHARDS OF glass have been cemented into the top of the wall to stop people climbing over.
    a piece of a broken glass, cup, container, or similar object
  • Rosie drew an elephant and COLORED it IN
    fill an area with color using paint, colored pencils, etc
  • Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like A BREATH OF FRESH AIR when she visits.
    someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting
  • Your ROSY cheeks always make you look so healthy/ Our financial position is ROSY.
    having a colour between pink and red/ If a situation is described as rosy, it gives hope of success or happiness
  • I avoided asking if they thought the activities were a good idea of the teacher's, which would be a LEADING QUESTION
    a question that tricks someone into answering in a particular way
  • Her father was an ODD man. What an ODD thing to say/ She does the ODD teaching job but nothing permanent/ 3, 5, and 7 are all ODD numbers/ He's got a whole drawer full of ODD socks.
    strange o unexpected/ Not happening often/ (Numbers) not able t b divided exactly by two/ (Of ST that should b in a pair o set) separated frm its pair o set
  • This tradition DATES BACK to medieval times.
    have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time
    a person who entertains people by escaping from chains, boxes, etc.
  • COARSE sand/breadcrumbs. Linen is a COARSE-grained fabric/ A COARSE joke. COARSE language=> Our recipe calls for COARSELY chopped pistachios=> He was shocked by the COARSENESS of his guest.
    Rough & not smooth o soft, o not in very small pieces/ Rude & offensive
  • We resurfaced the floor because it wasn't EVEN/ You should try to work at an EVEN rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next/ Both sides played well - it was a very EVEN contest.
    Flat & smooth, o on the same level/ Continuous o regular/ Equal o equally balanced
  • Is it really your car or are you PULLING MY LEG? (IFML)
    try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke
  • He had a reputation for FREELOADING OFF friends and acquaintances. The restaurant is full of corporate executives and FREELOADING food critics.
    use money or other things provided by other people, and give nothing in return
  • The NEW BLOOD in the team should improve our chances of victory in next week's game.
    people with a lot of energy or fresh ideas who are brought into an organization in order to improve it
  • An ATROCIOUS film/piece of acting The weather has been ATROCIOUS all week. Conditions in the prison were ATROCIOUS/ An ATROCIOUS crime=> ATROCIOUSLY
    Of very bad quality/ Violent and shocking
  • Sometimes you have to TRUST IN the goodness of human nature. However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to TRUST TO LUCK to a certain extent/ I TRUST (THAT) you slept
    Believe that SB is good & honest & will not harm u, o that ST is safe & reliable/ Hope & expect that ST is true (FML)
  • When we finally got home, we found that we'd been burgled - but that's ANOTHER STORY
    be something that you do not want to say more about at this particular time
  • She became a star OVERNIGHT. The book was an OVERNIGHT success=> We've OVERNIGHTED at some remote and beautiful places/ He said he needed a new passport urgently, so we OVERNIGHTED one to him.
    suddenly & unexpectedly=> Stay somewhere fo a night/ Send ST t SB so it arrives the next day (US)
  • There's not much to eat in the fridge. Should I SEND OUT FOR a pizza?
    ask for something to be brought to you from another place, by using the phone or sending a message
    a field planted with rice growing in water
  • CORNY jokes I couldn't watch the whole movie - it was just too CORNY. (IFML)/ It sounds CORNY, but when I get to the beach I feel like a kid again.
    (esp f jokes, films, stories..)Showing no new ideas o too often repeated, & therefore not funny o interesting/Emotional & obvious frm having been used too often
  • A SEARCH PARTY was sent out to look for the missing climbers.
    a group of people who look for someone who is lost
  • (SLANG) Vinny is such a SNACK=> I've been SNACKING all day. If you eat three good meals a day, you're less likely to SNACK ON biscuits.
    an attractive person=> Eat small amounts of food between meals
  • Describe communication in which the words tht r used r most important in understandin the meaning f wht is said, rather thn the situation, the speakers' relationships,o other things suchas a speaker's voice & movements (SOCIAL SCIENCES)
    It is usually claimed that LOW-CONTEXT communication is typical in cultures which value logic, objectivity, individualism, and competition (LANGUAGE)
    look angrily at someone (IFML)
  • LOW-ALCOHOL beer
    A low-alcohol drink has less alcohol in it than the normal type
  • She succeeded BY VIRTUE OF her tenacity rather than her talent.
    because of; as a result of (FML)
  • Research shows that 58% of students have an OVERDRAFT. I paid off my OVERDRAFT as soon as I got my pay cheque. We have an OVERDRAFT facility of £500 with our bank.The bank offers OVERDRAFT facilities.
    An amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this
  • The party's electoral message may be obscured by the GLITZ and glamour of its presentation. The extraordinary thing about Cannes is that despite the surface GLITZ, most people get up early and work/ The GLITZ and glamour of Hollywood
    the quality f being exciting & attractive, but often in a way that has no real worth/ The showy quality f ST=> GLITZY
  • Describe communication in which the situation & the speakers' relationships, as well as other things suchas a speaker's voice&movements, r very important in understandin the meaning f wht is said,rather thn just the words tht r used
    HIGH-CONTEXT communication is associated with cultures which value subjectivity, consensus, cooperation, and tradition (SOCIAL SCIENCE, LANGUAGE)
  • There is CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM for a successful outcome for the financial year.
    a feeling that you can be hopeful about a situation although you realize that there still could be problems
  • A cream SATIN dress/ We used white SATIN for the woodwork rather than gloss.
    A type of cloth, sometimes made of silk, that is smooth & shiny on one side but not on the other/ A type of paint that is slightly shiny when it dries
  • An old woman was HERDING the goats.
    Make animals move together as a group/ Make people move somewhere as a group, often against their wishes or with difficulty
  • The soybean market failed to BREAK ABOVE its seasonal high of $6.61. (BREAK ABOVE/BELOW)
    produce levels or figures that are slightly higher or lower than something
  • I'd say Robert's about 40-ODD - maybe 45.
    used after a number, especially a number that can be divided by ten, to show that the exact number is not known (IFML)
  • (FML) IN ACCORDANCE WITH school rules, the teacher asked him to remove his hat when inside the building.(In accordance with a rule/law/standard, etc)
    If you do something in accordance with a rule, you follow or obey it
  • Patience is a VIRTUE/ Would there be any VIRUTE in taking an earlier train?
    A good moral quality in a person, o the general quality f bein morally good/ An advantage or good thing
  • The new store will have a pharmacy inside, along with a DELICATESSEN, bakery, and seafood department. Ask for our sliced ham at the DELI counter. (IFML: DELI)
    a store that sells foods such as cheeses, types of cold meat, salads, and often cooked foods
    the skill or activity of arranging flowers in an attractive or artistic way
  • This map DATES FROM the 14th century.
    have existed since a particular time
  • The business is doing well, but there is definitely ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT
    used to say that something is not good enough and could be made better
  • I'm going to teach you to draw LIKE A BOSS.
    used to say that someone does something very well (IFML)
  • I needed a lot of RETAIL THERAPY to help me get over my ex-boyfriend.
    the act of buying special things for yourself in order to feel better when you are unhappy (HUMOROUS)
  • Often promoters will try to get people to AGREE TO a deal by saying the offer is valid only for a short period of time.
    accept someone else’s plan, suggestion, etc.
  • The league is divided into two skill levels in order to EVEN OUT the competition/ Adding money to your portfolio a little at a time will EVEN OUT a lot of unpredictable fluctuations.
    Become equal, or to make something equal/ Become regular or equal, or to make something do this