
Charlie and the chocolate factory Ch. 17-18

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  • What made the boat move?
    the Oompa-Loompas paddled it with oars
  • What was Mrs. Gloop worried her son would be made into?
  • How did the group travel from the chocolate room?
    by a boat
  • What did Mr. Wonka give Charlie and Grandpa Joe?
    a mug of chocolate
  • What does Augustus Gloop do at the end of chapter 16?
    He drinks from the chocolate river
  • Which word best describes the tunnel they went through?
  • What did the Oompa-Loompas sing a song about?
    Augustus Gloop
  • Who wanted a boat like Willy Wonka's?
    Veruca Salt
  • Why wouldn't Mr. Wonka let Augustus Gloop become chocolate fudge?
    He would taste terrible.
  • What did they use to whip cream?
  • What strange type of beans was there on store room n77?
    'Has beans'
  • Who did Willy Wonka have to tell not to lick the boat?
    Mike Teavee
  • Where did the pipe from the chocolate river go?
    To the Fudge Room
  • What type of strange cream was in our of the store rooms?
    hair cream
  • What was Augustus Gloop doing to the chocolate?
    He was dirtying it.
  • What color was the boat?
  • What happened to Augustus Gloop?
    He fell into the chocolate river