
Ch.11 Test, Changing American Life

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  • What major road went from Maryland to Illinois?
    the National Road
  • What was the Second Great Awakening?
    a time when thousands of American were saved and many other became more active in church and in giving out the Gospel
  • Name three preachers associated with the Second Great Awakening.
    Charles Finney, Asahel Nettleton, and Timothy Dwight
  • Slavery was expanded and continued because of what invention?
    the cotton gin
  • Why did canals decline in popularity?
    the invention of the steam engine
  • Who came into leadership at Yale and started revival there?
    Timothy Dwight
  • Give 2 results of the 2nd Great Awakening.
    lessened drunkenness and fornication in society, more foreign missionaries sent out, move to end slavery grew
  • Who set the speed record for a clipper ship?
    Donald McKay
  • What poet was a famous transcendentalist?
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • What kind of revival services were held in Kentucky and Tennesee during the 2nd Great Awakening?
    camp meetings
  • What are groups of workers that promote reforms in the workplace?
    labor unions
  • Who opened American trade with Japan?
    Commodore Matthew Perry
  • Who invented the telegraph?
    Samuel F. B. Morse
  • What was the main region for industrial growth in the early 1800s?
    New England
  • In what kind of place did the 2nd Great Awakening begin?
  • What 3 Asian countries did America expand sea trade with in the 1800s?
    China, Japan, and Sumatra
  • What famous Great Awakening preacher preached in Connecticut and all over the East?
    Asahel Nettleton
  • Who came up with idea of interchangeable parts?
    Eli Whitney
  • Who brought the factory system to America?
    Samuel Slater
  • Who invented the cotton gin?
    Eli Whitney
  • What literary movement put a big emphasis on emotions?
  • How long did the Pony Express last?
    a year and a half (1 1/2 years = not long)
  • What was the main reason the telegraph invented?
    to help with railroad traffic
  • Name the two famous female abolitionists who held the Seneca Falls Convention for women's rights.
    Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • What system manufactures goods by many people working in one place?
    the factory system
  • Who was the most famous Unitarianist?
    William Ellery Channing
  • Who invented the steel plow?
    John Deere
  • Who was an example of industrialism with his mill town in Massachusetts?
    Francis Cabott Lowell
  • What college in particular brought the beginning of the Great Awakening?
  • Name a benefit of the steam boat.
    News, mail, books, goods could be transported more easily to western settlers; Major settlements grew on the river ports; Trade between east + west more profit
  • Who built the first successful steamboat?
    Robert Fulton
  • What kind of people did Samuel Slater commonly use in his factories?
  • Who started a traveling circus and museum?
    P. T. Barnum
  • What were 2 advantages of the growth of factories in America?
    gave people new jobs, grew cities, earned more money, improved the standard of living, jobs for immigrants, better than Europe, step to better jobs
  • What roads were built by private companies to make a profit through tolls?
  • From which two countries did most immigrants come during the 1800s?
    Germany and Ireland
  • What area had the most railroads?
    the Northeast
  • Who raced his locomotive against a stagecoach?
    Peter Cooper
  • What kind of revival meetings were held in Kentucky and Tennesee?
    camp meetings
  • Who invented the reaper?
    Cyrus McCormick
  • Who began reform in public education?
    Horace Mann
  • What made it possible to travel by water from Albany to Lake Erie?
    the Erie Canal