
Simple past and Past progressive

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  • This tense is used to talk about finished actions in the past.
    Simple past
  • The past continuous is used to describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past. Give an example.
    I was watching the game last Saturday at ten o’clock.
  • Past progressive is also used when two actions are happening simultaneously. Give an example.
    I was watching TV while my mother was cooking.
  • John (buy) his car on Marketplace.
  • I (negative, look) at the road when I had my accident. (Don't worry I'm fine now)
    was not looking
  • Name two keywords that are used with the past progressive.
    when, while
  • Name 5 "keywords/time words" that are used in the simple past
    Yesterday, last week, last month, in 2019, etc.
  • Past progressive is also used to describe those actions that were interrupted by a short action in the past. Give an example.
    I was looking in my bag for my passport when I heard the final boarding call announcement.
  • They (negative, listen) while the teacher was talking.
    were not listening