
Reading Rocks

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  • TASK: Pretend you are Groot
    I am Groot...
  • "______ was also kidnapped by Thanos when she was a child, and is also a trained killer. When she fought Gamora in training, she was unhappy that Gamora always won. She now works for Ronan, too"
  • TASK: Dance like the Star-Lord.
    Dance off, Bro!
  • Who is the leader of the Ravengers?
  • Gamora and Nebula are...
  • "____ is Rocket's tree-like best friend and partner. He comes from the plant Flora Colossus, which grows on the planet X. He is unable to say more than a sentence, but has human-level intelligence"
  • What is the relationship between Ronan and Gamora and Nebula?
    They are Ronan's assistants.
  • Who has already escaped from a lot o prisons?
  • Gamora and Nebula are Thano's...
  • What pulls Peter away from Earth?
  • What is the relationship between Korath and Ronan?
    Korath is Ronan's servant.
  • Who stops Drax killing Gamora?
  • "_______ is also known as _______ the Destroyer. In this story he has been sent to the Klyn, where the Nova Corps keep their prisioners. Ronan the Accuser destroyed his home and family, and now ____ wants revenge"
  • What is the relationship between Ronan and Nova Corps?
    They are enemies
  • "______ is one of the galaxy's greatest fighters. When she was a child, the warlord Thanos killed all her people, the Zen-Whoberis, and kidnapped her. He turned her into a killer and she now works for Ronan"
  • TASK: Whistle your favourite song, as Yondu would...
    Careful with the arrows!
  • Who do all the prisioners in the Kyln want to attack?
  • How old is Peter when his mother dies?
    Nine years-old
  • Who knows where to sell the Orb?
  • What does Peter use to get the Orb?
    a magnet
  • '_____ is a human from the planet Earth. He spent his early yeas with his mother and didn't know his father. Later, he was kidnapped by a team of outlaws called the Ravagers. He likes to call himself Star-Lord"
    Peter Quill
  • Rocket and Groot are...
  • What covered and almost destroyed Morag?
  • Who has killed many of Ronan's men?
    Drax The Destroyer
  • Who defends Peter when an alien wants to eat him?
  • "__________ is an alien who looks like a racoon. He was given his intelligence by alien scientists, but personality changes also led to wild behavior. He works as a criminal with his friend and partner, Groot"
  • Who is Nova Prime?
    Nova Prime is Officer Dey's boss
  • What protects the Orb?
  • TASK: Using Ronan, the Accuser's voice, read: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  • What are the Ravagers?
    Sakaaran soldiers