
Questions for kids

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  • How many mouths do you have?
    I have one mouth
  • How are you?
    I'm fine / Not bad...
  • Name four colours
    Pink, brown, black, white, red, orange, green...
  • Can you spell your name?
    J-U-A-N. (Cada uno con su nombre).
  • What's your mother's name?
    My mother's name is...
  • What is your favourite English word?
    Red, hello, car, lion, ... (o cualquier otra).
  • What's your favourite colour?
    My favourite colour is...
  • How old are you?
    I'm .... years old.
  • Name three animals
    Dog, cat, snake, spider, lion...
  • Can you fly?
    No, I can't
  • What's your name?
    My name is...
  • How many noses do you have?
    I have one nose
  • How many eyes do you have?
    I have two eyes
  • How many fingers do you have?
    I have ten fingers
  • Where do you live?
    I live in...
  • Name a fruit
    Apple, banana, orange...
  • What's your father's name?
    My father's name is...
  • How many shoulders do you have?
    I have two shoulders
  • What's your favourite animal?
    My favourite animal is...
  • Can you swim?
    Yes, I can / No, I can't
  • Name three rooms in a house.
    Kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, hall, bedroom...
  • How many toes do you have?
    I have ten toes