
English World 4 Unit 3 Water Birds

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  • What kind of beak does an albatross have?
    It has a hooked beak.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a flamingo.
    It's a gull.
    It's an eagle.
    It's a peacock.
  • What do we call a baby swan?
    It's a cygnet.
  • How many albatrosses die every year?
    About 100 000 albatrosses drown in fishing nets every year.
  • What colour are the swans?
    They can be white, black or black and white.
  • How far can an albatross fly in a day?
    It can fly 400 km in a day.
  • How deep can the Emperor penguin dive? How long can it stay underwater?
    The Emperor penguin can dive 565 m and it can stay underwater for 20 minutes.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a goose.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a duck.
  • What can and what cannot penguins do?
    They can swim, dive and see underwater but they cannot fly.
  • Where do geese live?
    They live on the farms and in the wild.
  • Name 3 water birds.
    Duck, goose, albatross, gull, penguin, swan
  • What is special about water birds' feet?
    They are webbed.
  • How many eggs does the mother swan lay?
    The mother swan lays 4-7 eggs.
  • What's the plural form of goose?
    It's "geese".
  • What is a bird's body covered with?
    It's covered with feathers.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a swan.
  • What bird is it?
    It's an albatross.
  • What letter do the geese form in the sky while flying?
    They make a huge letter V in the sky.
  • How long does an albatross live?
    An albatross lives for 50-60 years.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a flamingo.
    It's an eagle.
    It's a gull.
    It's a peacock.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a penguin.
  • What is the biggest penguin? How tall is it?
    It's the Emperor penguin. It's 110 cm tall.
  • What do we call a baby goose?
    It's a gosling.
  • What is the smallest penguin? How tall is it?
    It's the Little Blue penguin. It's 40 cm tall.
  • Why are albatrosses in danger?
    Fishsing nets trap albatrosses when they dive in the water and the birds drown.
  • What bird is it?
    It's a flamingo.
    It's a gull.
    It's a peacock.
    It's an eagle.
  • What do the swans build their nests from?
    They build their nests from twigs and branches.
  • How do the swans carry their babies?
    They carry them on their backs.
  • What bird is it?
    It's an eagle.
    It's a peacock.
    It's a flamingo.
    It's a gull.