
1st Term Revision (2nd GRADE)

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  • Say 10 JOBS
  • Answer: Are there any dogs here right now?
    No, there aren't (any dogs)
  • Say the Possessive ADJECTIVES: "My...
    My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their
  • Say one sentence in PAST SIMPLE negative (-)
    I didn't... She didn't...
  • Is this correct? "There isn't any student"
    NO: There AREN'T any STUDENTS (in plural)
  • Say 8 elements / places you find in your neighbourhood
    petrol station, supermarket, zebra crossings, traffic lights, signs, roundabouts, shopping centre...
  • Ask a question using "WHO" as a subject.
    WHO is talking? Marta. WHO is playing? The students. WHO does help you?...
  • What's the difference between PRESENT SIMPLE and PRESENT CONTINUOUS?
    Routines / Established actions vs. Things happening right now / at the moment
  • Mention 8 means of transport from U.1
    Jeep, Minivan, Taxi, Tram, Boat, Ship, Lorry, Scooter... Electric bike, Helicopter...
  • Say a sentence in Present Simple - Negative - using Marta as subject:
    Marta doesn't...
  • Say 4 means of transport used on water
    Ship, Cruise, Boat, Submarine, Ferry, Yacht...
  • When do you use "MUCH"?
    With UNCOUNTABLE nouns. There isn't much time. Is there much bread?
  • How do you say "viajar fuera del país / al extranjero" in English?
    Go / Travel ABROAD
  • Say in English: "Plaza" y "Ayuntamiento"
  • My brother has just had an amazing baby girl!!! She's my
  • The daughter of my stepmom is my...
  • Ask one question with the expression "used to"
    DID you USE TO... - DID she USE TO....
  • It's Friday 9pm. I'm hungry... Let's ______ a pizza!
  • How do you say in English "ROTONDA"?
  • My grandparents love my brother and me. We are their ...
  • Choose 5 IRREGULAR VERBS and say the columns!
  • Say 5 UNCOUNTABLE nouns
    water, time, money, coffee, juice, bread, rice, furniture, homework...
  • Say 8 objects you may use in class
    Tablet, calculator, compass, projector, textbook, whiteboard...
  • Correct: In the past, I used to use a stabler.
  • What's the difference between "SOME" and "ANY"
    "Some" (algun/os) in AFFIRMATIVE (+) "Any" (algún/ningún) in NEGATIVES (-) and INTERROGATIVES (?)
  • How do you say "hacer turismo" in English?
  • Say the FREQUENCY ADVERBS that we use in Present Simple
    Always, Often, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely, Hardly Ever, Never
  • Say a sentence with "FLASH DRIVE" - "SISTER" and "THERE WAS"
    There was a flash drive in my sister's...