
18th century Europe

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  • Who was Giuseppe Verdi and what role did he play in the unification of Italy?
    An Italian composer; his opera Nabucco became a symbol of unification
  • What does Liberté, egalité, fraternité mean?
    Liberty, equality, brotherhood
  • The word "Reich" in German means ___
  • Name at least 3 symbols of the French Revolution
    The Phrygian cap, the cock, Marianne, La Marsellaise, tricolor flag, the guillotine
  • Briefly explain the differences between the Girondins and Jacobins
    The Girondins were moderate Republicans; the Jacobins were radical revolutionaries that established a dictatorship and ruled during the Reign of Terror
  • Around 1860 in Italy, who were the red shirts?
    The revolutionary forces of Giuseppe Garibaldi who helped take control of Naples and Sicily
  • Who became First COnsul of France in 1799?
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  • What was the motto of the French Revolution?
    Liberté, egalité, fraternité
  • What were the principles behind the COnservative Order?
    An attempt by the great European Powers to re-establish tradition, order and obedience to authority through Monarchy, internationalism and congresses
  • In what year did the Spanish War of Independence begin?
  • Who was George Washington?
    The first US President
  • Who were the main figures of German unification?
    King Wihelm I of Prussia and Bismark
  • What was the Congress of VIenna of 1814?
    A meeting of great European powers in an attempt to ensure peace and avoid new revolutions
  • Name 3 political and socia legacies of the Fench Revolution (things that we still have today)
    Constitutions, liberalism, declarations of rights, new nation states, etc
  • True or false: Liberalism and national movements were part of the COnservative Order.
    False, they challenged it.
  • What was the Reign of Terror?
    A ten-month period of violent suppression in 1973 in France. Nearly 50,000 people were executed during this time.
  • Who was Prince Metternich?
    Austrian Foreign Minister that played a leading role in the COngress of VIenna
  • Who were the main figures of Italian unification?
    King Vittorio EManuele I, Prime Minister Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Giuseppe Verdi
  • Which countries formed the Holy Alliance in 1814?
    originally Prussia, Russia and Austria, and later Britain and France
  • What was the German COnfederation?
    As association of 39 independent states in the German territory
  • Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
    French Jacobin leader that became dictator in 1793 and ruled during the Reign of Terror