
Terrestial Landforms

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  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Lower course
    Trough-shaped valleys Meanders; Oxbow lakes; Deltas and Estuaries; Fluvial terraces; Flood plains; Sea lochs
  • Where do marshland, deltas and estuaries appear?
    At the confluence of a river mouth and the ocean/sea
  • How are fjords formed?
    The submergence of a glacial valley after a marine transgression; it’s now occupied by a deep inlet of sea
  • What is the name given to lithified tills?
  • What processes are involved in all of the shaping agents
    Erosion, Transportation, Sedimentation
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Channel
  • How many parts can a glacier split into?
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Heterogeneous terrains
    Hoodoos or Fairy chimney
  • Which 2 agents are not influenced by climate?
    Seas and oceans, groundwaters
  • Name 3 tools valley-alpine glaciers have…
    Ice rubs and polishes rocks, Angular sediments are carried down the valley and they rub against walls, Freezing of melted water pulls pieces of rocks
  • In which relief does water accumulate in aquifers?
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Upper course
    Narrow V-shaped valleys Gorges, cascades and waterfalls
  • Give 3 examples of soft and homogeneous terrains…
    Grooves, Gullies, Ravines
  • What reliefs do seas and oceans shape due to sedimentation?
    Beaches, barrier spits and barrier islands, Cove, Coastal lagoon, Tombolo
  • What happens due to erosion?
    Cliffs and abrasion platform, Capes and gulfs or bays
  • How can you define 'River'
    It's a large and permanent flowing body of water which runs down a fixed channel
  • What reliefs do fast-flowing water shape?
    Grooves, Gullies, Ravines, Hoodoos, Fairy chimney
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Soft and homogeneous terrains
    Grooves, Gullies, Ravines
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Alluvial fan
    Fan shaped foothills
  • Where does the water come from in fast flowing water formations?
    Water comes from torrential rainfall and melting ice.
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Middle course
    Wide V-shaped valleys Meanders
  • Why is water scarce in the desert?
    Because they are areas of infrequent precipitation and high evaporation; so water is scarce and dry materials are easily displaced by the wind
  • What reliefs do valley-alpine glaciers shape?
    U-shaped valleys, Amphitheater-shaped cirque, Mountain peaks, Striations on the rocks, Sheep-shaped rocks, Accumulation of tills, Glacial lakes
  • Are seas and oceans influenced by climate?
  • Where does groundwater run through?
    Permeable rocks
  • What reliefs do seas and oceans shape due to erosion?
    Cliffs and abrasion platforms, capes, gulfs, bays
  • What reliefs does wind shape?
    Desert areas are distributed into concentric zones: e.g. Dunes, Oasis, Wadis, Loess deposits, Arches and holes in rocks, Mushroom-shaped pillars
  • How can you define 'Fast Flowing Waters'
    Streams of water which run down a hill thanks to gravity, without a fixed channel
  • Name 3 tools the ocean have…
    Strength of waves, Dissolution of mineral salts, Marine abrasion (particles are thrown against rocks as projectiles), Marine currents transport and sediment mat
  • Name 3 tools rivers have…
    Water strength Water speed - according to the steepness Particles carried out by water
  • How can you define 'Torrent'
    Short and irregular streams of water which run a fixed channel in steep mountainsides
  • Which characteristics do these belong to: dunes, oasis’ and wadis’?
  • Name the 3 parts of a glacier…
    the cirque (accumulation zone), the ice tongue and the glacier terminus
  • Are dunes static? Justify your answer
    Dunes can move! They aren’t fixed, on the contrary, they are displaced by changing wind direction.
  • Name 3 tools groundwaters have…
    Carbonatation, Water strength, Particles carried out by water
  • What are the characteristics of this landform: Basin
    Intense erosion
  • What happens due to sedimentation?
    Beaches, Barrier spits, Barrier islands, Coves, Coastal lagoon, Tombolos