
phrasal verbs Destination B2 unit 2

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  • continue
    carry on
  • enter (a competition), like
    go in for
  • start (after planning to do smth for a long time)
    get round to
  • do, do smth you should not do
    get up to
  • stop being involved in an activity
    pull out
  • defeat and remove from a competition, make unconscious
    knock out
  • stop liking
    go off
  • be careful
    look out
  • change the date, time of an event, so it happens earlier
    bring forward
  • participate, take part
    join in
  • start as a habit
    take to
  • start a hobby, sport, fill an amount of space, time
    take up
  • tolerate
    put up with
  • delay, postpone
    put off