
Chapter 4, Abeka Science Review

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  • Why is the twig caterpillar a good example of camoflage?
    It is the same color as a twig. When it stands on a branch it looks just like a twig.
  • How does a starfish eat?
    It pushes its stomach out of its body, eats the food, then puts its stomach back.
  • If invertebrates have skeletons, where are they located?
    On the outside
  • Use the picture to label the parts of the insect.
    Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Antennae, and Legs
  • What is a compound eye?
    thousands of eyes fitted closely together to make one eye.
  • What are insects eyes called?
    Compound eyes
  • How many arms does an octopus have?
  • What are the 3 main parts of an insect?
    Head, Thorax, and Abdomen
  • What does camouflage mean?
    changing color to match an environment or surroundings
  • Name 3 ways an insect is alike?
    1. 6 legs, 2. 3 body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), 3. outer skeleton
  • What is complete metaamorphosis?
    The 4 stages of growth that an insect goes through (egg, larva, pupa, and adult)
  • How is an octopus able to get away quickly?
    It squeezes water through a special tube called a siphon.
  • Which animal has 10 tiny hearts?
    The earthworm
  • Name 3 examples of invertebrates
    Jellyfish, starfish, clams, oysters, snails, octopus, insects, spiders, worms.
  • Name 3 ways invertebrates are alike.
    1. no backbone, 2. weak muscles, 3. small animals with soft bodies, 4. cold-blooded, 5. if they have a skeleton it's on the outside
  • Name an example of a helpful insect and why it is helpful.
    Bee - pollinate, Ladybugs - eat aphids that ruin fruit trees, praying mantis - kills many other insects that damage crops
  • What does an insects head contain?
    Brain, antennae, eyes, and mouth parts
  • What are an insects feelers or main sense organs?
  • What are the 4 stages of growth that an insect goes through called?
    Complete Metamorphosis
  • What is the biggest group of invertebrates called?
  • Why do fisherman dislike starfish?
    they like to eat clams and oysters
  • This animal walks on special structures called tube feet
    The starfish
  • The Viceroy butterfly looks just like what other butterfly to protect itself?
    The Monarch (this is an example of mimicry)
  • What is antennae?
    An insects feelers or main sense organs. It can use them to smell, hear, and even taste.
  • Can all insects hear?
  • What are the sharp projections sticking out of the sides of earthworms called?
  • What are young spiders called?
  • What are the tiny holes on an insects sides called (used for breathing)?
  • What is an animal without a backbone called?
  • Are spiders insects?
    No. Insects have 6 legs, spiders have 8.
  • What is setae
    Sharp projections sticking out of the sides of earthworms. It helps them hold tightly to the walls of its tunnel.
  • Mosquitoes are very tiny. Why can you hear them?
    It beats its wings VERY quickly. It can beat its wings 300 times a second.
  • What are 3 ways an octopus defends itself?
    1. camouflage, 2. spray ink, 3. jet propulsion
  • Why do invertebrates move slowly on cold days and quickly on warm days?
    They are cold-blooded
  • What is a tentacle?
    A flexible limb of an invertebrate (like an octopus)
  • What is mimicry?
    To look like something else. Like when a harmless animal looks like a harmful one to protect itself.
  • What are the arms of an octopus called?
  • What are the 4 stages of growth that an insect goes through?
    Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Adult
  • How many main body parts do spiders have?
    2 (a head and an abdomen)
  • What is an invertebrate?
    An animal without a backbone
  • What does the abdomen of an insect contain?
    heart and stomach. It also has tiny holes on its sides called spiracles.
  • What are spiracles?
    The tiny holes on an insects sides used for breathing
  • What color is an insects blood?
    Green, yellow, or clear
  • What is ballooning?
    When a spiderling leaves the egg case. It points its abdomen into the air, spins a silk thread, and the wind carries the spider away.
  • What is the thorax?
    It is the insects motor room. There are wings and legs.