

  •   0%
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  • drink water
    DId you hyderate?
  • Bring back something of every color of the rainbow in 25 seconds
    Red yellow blue and pain
  • Name 7 fruits
  • Coin Flip
    Did you win
  • say the last 6 letters in the alphabet backwards
  • you have 20.72 seconds to find blippi
    Lady was naked earlier
  • Build something that everyone else can guess.
    Did you build lady?
  • Say They/Them for 10 easy points
    They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them They/Them
  • You have 10 seconds to grab a packet of ramen and bring it to the computer
  • Name 7 vegetables
  • Do 69 jumping jacks
    Ok now do 420 more jumping jacks for 0 bonus points
  • Give noah a high five
    High 7
  • Pet Lady
    Dog has been pet?
  • Grab something thats 4 different colors
    뮪뮪뮪 Lady is not blue 뮪뮪뮪
  • Name 3 black furry things
  • Roll on the floor
  • Spin around for 15 seconds and then run around
    Dont throw up or sue me please.
  • Win rock paper scizors vs everyone here
    You proboly did not win
  • Can you beat the first half of the first level of jelly mario
    You might have lost
  • If Ethan Beats Me In Rock Paper Scissors you get points
    Did he win???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????