
AP Biology Unit 3 Photosynthesis and Cellular Re ...

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  • What is a positive control?
    a control group where you expect a certain result to happen
  • What are some differences between light-dependent and light-independent reactions?
    LD- use water and light to produce ATP and NADPH; LI- use energy stored in ATP and NADPH to make glucose
  • Which two substances produced in the light-dependent reactions provide energy for the light-independent reactions?
    ATP and NADPH
  • If there is an inhibitor on one of the enzymes in the glycolysis pathway, what will happen?
    the substrate that it is supposed to break down will accumulate in the cell
  • When looking at a graph how would you know that the rate of something is stabilized (equal)?
    a straight line
  • What is chemiosmosis? What provides the energy for this to happen in cellular respiration?
    the diffusion of ions through a membrane; electrons flowing through the ETC
  • What is the electron acceptor for oxidations that occur in glycolysis and Krebs cycle?
  • When is oxygen released during oxidation-reduction reactions?
    light dependent reactions in photosynthesis
  • If your data consists of pH changing over time, what kind of graph would be most appropriate to use?
    line graph
  • Explain where the oxygen comes from in photosynthesis.
    Water is split by light, removing electrons and protons, and oxygen is released as a by-product
  • When is the most ATP formed during cellular respiration? The net movement of what causes this to happen..
    ETC and ATP synthase; H+(protons) move down the concentration gradient
  • When do cells undergo fermentation?
    when there is a lack of oxygen (anaerobic conditions)
  • How do you know when there is statistical difference in data?
    when there is no overlap in the data (+-2SEx) - looking at error bars on a graph
  • Germination in seeds would be increased by the exposure to ____.
    light, more water, higher temperatures, more carbon dioxide
  • Acetyl-CoA is further metabolized in what part of cellular respiration?
    Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle)
  • What can be measured to calculate the rate of photosynthesis?
    oxygen production
  • What are the functions of NAD+ and FAD in cellular respiration?
    accepting electrons during the oxidation-reduction reactions
  • What is a dependent variable? Give an example from one of our labs in this unit.
    what is measured or observed in an experiment (amount of O2 production, amount of CO2 production)
  • What is required during photosynthesis to energize electrons to be transported in the ETC?
  • What are some similarities between ATP synthesis in the mitochondria and chloroplast?
    electron transport chains create a gradient of protons (H+) so that ATP synthase can generate ATP molecules
  • When is carbon from CO2 used to make organic molecules?
    Calvin Cycle
  • Where does the Kreb's Cycle take place?
    mitochondrial matrix
  • What is used to make carbohydrates in photosynthesis?
  • Why can more ATP be produced from an NADH molecule vs a FADH2 molecule?
    NADH drops electrons off at protein complex 1 and they travel through four complexes, FADH2 drops electrons off at complex 2 and they only go through 3 complex
  • What role does water play in photosynthesis?
    donates electrons to the ETC