
Favorite food

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  • What does it look?
    It looks good.
  • Does the food taste good?
    No, It doesn't.
  • What food does she want?
    She wants cereal.
  • What food do you want?
    I want juice.
  • Does the food look good?
    No, It doesn't.
  • What food do they want?
    They want chips.
  • What does cake taste?
    It tastes sweet (good).
  • What food does he want?
    He wants ice cream.
  • What food does he want?
    He wants pasta.
  • Does the food smell good?
    No, It doesn't.
  • What food do you want?
    I want salad.
  • What does the lemonade taste?
    It tastes sour (good).
  • Does the food taste good?
    Yes, It does.
  • What food does she want?
    She wants cheese.