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  • What is the oxidation number of sulfur in sulfur dioxide?
  • Among all elements in period 3, which one is the best conductor?
  • Mention two elements of period 3 which the oxides do not react with water!
    Na, Mg
  • How does the trend of first ionisation energy across period 3?
  • How does the ionic radius of positively charged ions compared to its atom?
    Ionic radius are much smaller
  • Mention three elements of period 3 which can react with water!
    Na, Mg, Cl
  • Mention five elements of period 3!
    Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar
  • Why does chlorine have a very small melting point?
    It has a simple molecule with strong covalent bond but weak van der Waals' forces
  • What happens when sodium reacts with oxygen?
    Burns vigorously with yellow flame
  • Which chloride is neutral when reacts with water?
  • What happens when the oxide of phosphor reacts with water?
    Reacts vigorously and dissolves in water
  • How can we deduce the position of an element in the periodic table?
    By looking at its physical and chemical properties
  • How does magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide work in our stomach?
    They neutralise excess acid
  • Arrange these three elements from the most reactive one with chlorine: Si, Al, P
    Al, Si, P
  • Why does atomic radius decrease across period 3?
    Greater attractive force due to increasing positive nuclear charge, which pulls valence electrons closer to the nucleus.
  • Among elements in period 3, which one has the highest melting point?
  • Between Mg2+ and S2-, which one has larger ionic radius?
  • Which gas will be released by phosphorus(V) oxide when it is hydrolysed in water?
    HCl gas
  • Which oxide of period 3 element is amphoteric?
    Aluminium oxide