
Dynamo 1 Module 1 Unit 4

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  • gagner
    to win/winning
  • chanter
    to sing/singing
  • nager
    to swim/swimming
  • rigoler
    to have/having a laugh
  • Pour moi, la rentrée, c'est...
    For me, going back to school is …
  • Ma vie, c’est …
    My life is …
  • Je n'aime pas
    I don't like
  • j'aime
    I like
  • retrouver mes amis
    to meet up/meeting up with my friends
  • tchatter
    to chat/chatting (online)
  • bloguer
    to blog/blogging
  • surfer
    to surf/surfing
  • danser
    to dance/dancing
  • J'adore
    I love
  • jouer
    to play/playing
  • Je déteste
    I hate
  • étudier
    to study/studying