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  • What was the ship called that the pilgrims traveled on?
    The Mayflower
  • How long did the pilgrims travel on The Mayflower for?
    2 months
  • What is a turkey's gobbler called?
    A wattle
  • What was the name of the native american who helped the pilgrims learn how to fish and hunt?
  • What is a male turkey called?
    a tom
  • What color does a turkeys snood turn when it is scared?
  • How did they cook their food at the first Thanksgiving?
    on a fire
  • What were pilgrims houses made out of?
    wood and straw
  • Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving together?
    The pilgrims and native americans
  • What did the Wamponog indians use to make canoes?
    hollowed out trees
  • Where did the Pilgrims come from?
  • Did they have pumpkin pie of the first Thanksgiving?
  • How did they get food for the first Thanksgiving?
    hunting and gathering
  • Name a chore that a pilgrim boy had to do.
    hunting, gathering crops, getting water
  • What is Mrs.Shaw thankful for?
    Her students, her family, Mr.Shaw, Zinny, and Baby Shaw
  • What is shelter?
    Where someone lives