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  • Have you ever hurt yourself ___ ? What happened? When?
    in a bad way
  • Usually, before sb ___ they get a bit ___. Have you ever? Did you feel nervous? Do you know what to do if it happens to sb next to you?
    pass out / off-coloured
  • Have these last years of pandemics made you feel more ___ then the usual? How?
    run down
  • When was the last time you got really sick / injuried? How long did you spend ___?
    on the mend
  • Which would leave more ___ : to be attacked by a wild animal or to be attacked by a mugger? Why?
    shaken up
  • "I think I'm getting a cold." Another way to say that is to say "I think I'm feeling a bit ___". How often do you feel like that? Do you think that's normal? What can you do in your routine to prevent it?
    under the weather