
C1 Inversions

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  • (include) No other president has lied as much to the general public.
    Never before has a president lied as much to the general public.
  • (remove) I've never been a child, nor would I ever want to be one.
    I've never been a child and I would never want to be one either.
  • (include) He was ridiculed by the press the minute he opened his mouth.
    No sooner had he opened his mouth than the press began to ridicule him.
  • (remove) Only very rarely do I perform in public these days.
    I very rarely perform in public these days.
  • (include) You can't have dessert until you've eaten your dinner.
    Not until you've eaten your dinner may you have dessert.
  • (remove) At no time was I ever in a romantic relationship with that rabbit.
    I was never / have never been in a relationship with that rabbit.
  • (remove) On no account may you kick the birds.
    You (absolutely) may not kick the birds.
  • (include) I rarely speak to my nan these days as she died several years ago.
    Rarely do I speak to my nan these days as she died several years ago.
  • (remove) No sooner had I locked the door than I realised the murderer was already inside the house...
    As soon as I locked the door, I realised the murderer was inside the house...
  • (include) When you have finished your homework, you can go outside, but not before.
    Only when you've finished your homework can you go outside, not before.
  • (include) I can't eat it because I'm vegetarian and I wouldn't want to, either. It looks disgusting.
    I can't eat it because I'm vegetarian, but neither would I want to. It looks disgusting.
  • (remove) Seldom have I ever been happy to see a child.
    I've seldom ever been happy to see a child.
  • (Include) You definitely shouldn't open that door.
    On no account should you open that door.
  • (remove) Not until true love's first kiss will the spell be broken
    The spell won't be broken until true love's first kiss.
  • (include) I have never eaten chocolate, as I'm lactose-intolerant.
    Never (before) have I (ever) eaten chocolate, as I'm lactose-intolerant.
  • (remove) Only once you've killed all the remaining tributes will you be crowned the victor.
    You will only be crowned the victor once you've killed all the remaining tributes.
  • (remove) Never again will I trust you with my antique spoon collection
    I will never trust you with my antique spoon collection again.