
Greek World Review

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  • Who are hoplites?
    Citizen-soldiers in Athens who helped defend the city and demanded a say in government.
  • What characterized life for a woman?
    They had a male guardian all their lives, spent most of the time at home, and only left when accompanied and to attend religious events.
  • How did peoples lives in the colonies change with Greek contact?
    The Greeks introduced the potter's wheel, ironworking, currency, writing, the cultivation of olives and vineyards.
  • Alexander's generals divided the Empire into different kingdoms after his death. They are called _________.
    The Hellenistic Kingdoms
  • What began the Greco-Persian Wars?
    The Persians coming east to conquer the Greek Poleis.
  • What characteristics did all Greeks share?
    Culture (language and religion)
  • New form of government that gave more power to the citizens.
  • What did Acient Greeks work in ?
    Agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, trading
  • Greek civilization developed on the _____ Peninsula and _______ Sea.
    Balkan, Aegean
  • Which groups migrated to Greece?
    Achaeans (Mycenaeans) and Dorians
  • What is the Ecclesia (Assembly)?
    Assembly of 400 citizens that voted on laws, war, and ostracism.
  • Why did Greeks begin to establish colonies?
    The scarcity of land and poor living conditions of peasants.
  • Greek religion was __________. (Monotheistic or Polytheistic)
  • Define metropolis
    City of origin
  • Who is considered a citizen in the Greek world?
    Free adult men with a father who was a citizen and an Athenian mother.
  • What city was a symbol of the new Hellenistic civilization?
    Alexandria, Egypt
  • What were the city-states called?
  • Define scarcity
    Very little, not enough. Lacking
  • What is this woman wearing?
  • Most poleis changed their form of government from ________ to ________.
    Oligarchy to Democracy
  • The Achaeans were also called what?
  • What is this
  • What is the Boule?
    It's made up of 500 citizens chosen at random. They made laws and oversaw the magistrates.
  • What are the two parts of the poleis?
    Upper part (Acropolis), Lower part (Agora)
  • When did Athens become a democracy?
    The 5th Century BCE
  • This man unified the Greek poleis and confronted the Persian Empire. In 10 years he gained control of the Persian empire and reached India.
    Alexander the Great
  • This polis never changed their form of government.
  • Define sewers
    Channels to take waste matter away in a city.
  • Where is the Persian empire?
    Extends from Asia to North Africa