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  • DILUTE the juice (with water) before you drink it/ These measures are designed to DILUTE public fears about the product's safety=> DILUTION=> He disinfected the tub with a solution of DILUTED bleach.
    Make a liquid weaker by mixin in ST else/ Reduce the strength f a feeling, action, etc
  • The study puts the PROSPECTIVE cost of annual repairs and renewals at $10 million. (PROSPECTIVE earnings/cost/yield, etc)
    the amount that ST is expected to earn, cost, produce, etc.
  • I don't think it's love so much as LUST/ Her LUST FOR power. It's wonderful to see the children's LUST FOR life (= how enthusiastic they are about life)=> Cathie has been LUSTING FOR my job for a long time.
    a very strong sexual desire/ A very powerful feeling of wanting ST=> Have a strong desire for ST
  • a Christmas tree decorated with TINSEL/ The show was all TINSEL and glitter.
    ..../ST, esp the entertainment business or SB'S way of living, that seems exciting & attractive, but is really of low quality o value
  • A sense of DOOM hung over the entire country. The newspapers are always full of DOOM and gloom (= bad news and unhappiness) these days=>Are we DOOMED TO repeat the mistakes of the past?. Mounting debts DOOMED the factory TO closure.
    death, destruction, o any very bad situation that can't be avoided/ Make SB or ST certain to do or experience ST unpleasant, o to make ST bad certain to happen
  • Up to the time she started school, her daughter was very CLINGING. A very CLINGING & demanding elderly parent presents a problem/She looked stunning in a CLINGING black dress. Mr Darcy dived into a lake & emerged in a wet, CLINGING shirt
    A ... person stays close to & depends on a person who is taking care of 'em/... clothes fit closely to the body so that the shape of ur body can be seen
  • Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were SOULMATES.
    someone, usually your romantic or sexual partner, who you have a special relationship with, and who you know and love very much
  • The organization called the new regulations a TURNING POINT in the campaign against smoking. The TURNING POINT in her political career came when she was chosen to run for a Senate seat.
    the time at which a situation starts to change in an important way
  • You can make a CITIZEN'S ARREST if you reasonably suspect someone of committing an offence.
    an arrest made by an ordinary member of the public, not a police officer
  • She donated a sizeable portion of her RICHES to children's charities/ The country has great oil/mineral RICHES. They plundered the rainforest for its natural RICHES. (PLURAL)
    a large amount of money or valuable possessions/ A large quantity of a valuable natural substance
  • (IFML) The music has a soothing VIBE. I didn't like the place - it had bad VIBES.
    the mood or character of a place, situation, or piece of music
  • "I've had enough of working here," she said, "You can STICK your job!" (OFFENSIVE)/ She STUCK the needle INTO my arm. We decided where to go for our holiday by closing our eyes and STICKING a pin in the map.
    If u tell SB t stick ST o where they can stick ST, it means that u don't want t keep that thing/Push a pointed object into o through ST & stay there
  • The government is determined to protect its tobacco MONOPOLY/ (Complete control f the supply f particular goods o services,o a company o group tht has such control)
    (An org o group tht has)complete control f st,esp an area f business,so tht others hv no share/ The network is a MONOPOLY OF the state telephone company.
  • INDUCED INVESTMENT is undertaken in response to consumers' demand for a producer's goods (ECONOMICS)
    money invested by businesses as a result of demand created in other parts of the economy
  • The birds HATCHED out the next afternoon/ They HATCHED a plan for a surprise birthday party=> An escape HATCH, a serving HATCH
    Break an egg so a baby animal can come out/ Create o decide on a plan, esp a secret plan=> An opening through a wall, floor, etc., or the cover for it
  • John is (the) SKIPPER of the team this year. Ready to go, SKIPPER.
    the captain of a ship or boat, a sports team, or an aircraft (IFML)
  • You can't SIT ON THE FENCE any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on.
    delay making a decision
  • The end of the Cold War was a DEFINING MOMENT for the world in more ways than one.
    the point at which a situation is clearly seen to start to change
  • They INDUCED her to take the job by promising editorial freedom/ Pills for seasickness often INDUCE drowsiness/ In this hospital, twins are often INDUCED=> Customers are coming to us without INDUCEMENT
    (FML) Persuade SB t do ST/ Cause ST t happen/ Use a drug t make a pregnant woman start givin birth
  • As well as being the market leader in the UK, the company is also a MAJOR PLAYER in France. (FINANCE)
    an important and successful company, especially when compared with other, smaller companies in the same type of business or industry
  • The player was fined $5,000 for FLIPPING OFF fans who had booed him. An angry man in the crowd FLIPPED OFF the mayor's vehicle as it passed.
    Show SB in an offensive way tht u r annoyed w em o do nt like em by turnin the back f ur hand towards em & puttin ur middle finger up (US, IFML)
  • Be careful not to introduce new ideas in the CONCLUSION of your essay/ The CONCLUSION of the deal/treaty/ Did you come to/reach/draw any CONCLUSIONS at the meeting this morning?
    The final part f st/ The act f arrangin o agreein st formally/ The opinion u hv after considerin all the info abt st
  • A COMMITED socialist/Christian/teacher/ We are COMMITTED TO withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.
    loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in/ Having promised to be involved in a plan of action
  • I'm FEELING a bit UNDER THE WEATHER - I think I'm getting a cold.
    If someone is or feels under the weather, they feel (IFML)
  • The experience of mystic trance is in a sense ANALOGOUS to sleep or drunkenness. The emergency vehicle for the International Space Station is ANALOGOUS to a lifeboat.
    having similar features to another thing and therefore able to be compared with it
  • Are oysters really an APHRODISIAC? They say that power is an APHRODISIAC=> The APHRODISIAC properties of champagne
    ST, usu a drug or food, that is believed to cause sexual desire in ppl=> Belonging or relating to an aphrodisiac
  • Distributors are trained to SELL consumers ON the idea that these products are a necessary part of their safety system. She's really SOLD ON the idea of moving to Australia.
    persuade someone to buy something or give support to an idea (SELL SB ON STH)
  • He was briefly famous in his twenties but then sank into OBSCURITY. He rose from relative OBSCURITY to worldwide recognition/ The story is convoluted and opaque, often to the point of total OBSCURITY.
    The state of not being known to many ppl/ The state of being not clear and difficult to understand or see
  • I've been RACKING MY BRAIN all day but I can't remember her name/ I’ve been RACKING MY BRAIN all day trying to remember her name.
    Think very hard/ Try very hard to think of or remember something
  • a DISRESPECT for authority=> (IFML) I don't want anyone DISRESPECTING my son=> NO DISRESPECT TO Julie, but this department worked perfectly well before she started here=> DISRESPECTFUL behaviour
    lack of respect=> Speak o behave rudely t SB,o t show SB no respect=> Used before u criticize SB in order nt t sound rude=> Lacking respect
  • A diplomatic ENDGAME is under way to find a peaceful solution.
    (GAMES) the last stage in a game of chess when only a few of the pieces are left on the board/ The last stage of a process, esp one involving discussion
  • I tried to STICK the pieces together with some glue/tape/ Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali, and somehow the name STUCK/ I'll pay for lunch - I can STICK it on my expenses. (IFML)
    Cause ST t become fixed, EG w glue o another similar substance/ If a name sticks, it continues to be used/ Put ST somewhere, esp in a not very careful way
  • Stop PATRONIZING me - I understand the play as well as you do/ The restaurant was OATRINIZED by many artists and writers during the 1920s (FML)/ (Treat others in a manner tht shows u consider urself t b better o more important thn they r)
    Speak t o behave towards SB as if they r stupid o nt important/ B a regular customer f a shop o restaurant, etc/ The restaurant was PATRONIZED by many artists
  • We drove along a narrow, BUMPY road. It might be a BUMPY flight (an uncomfortable and rough flight) because there's a lot of air turbulence ahead.
    not smooth
  • And if you miss the bus, well, it's not A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH (A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH)
    be very serious
  • He took a BITE (= bit a piece) out of the apple/../Let's have a BITE to eat before we go. They sell light BITES such as hot dogs and nachos (IFML)
    the act of biting ST/ A sore place o injury where a person, an animal, o an insect has bitten u/ A small amount of food or a small meal
  • He admitted he was one of a number of people stealing from the company, according to the AFFIDAVIT filed by the district attorney's office. (LAW)
    a written statement made by someone who has officially promised to tell the truth, and which might be used in a court of law
    a clear liquid with a strong smell made from coal or petroleum and used as a fuel in jet engines
  • The hit-and-run driver TURN HIMSELF IN TO the police the day after the accident.
    take a criminal to the police, or to go to them yourself to admit a crime
  • I SAID TO MYSELF, I’d better take care of that now.
    think something:
  • He CLUNG (ON) TO power for another ten years.
    try very hard to keep ST
  • Higher mortgage rates are beginning to BITE=>Homeowners need to be protected from THE BITE OF tax increases/////// The new service is now available but clients don't seem to be BITING=> I like mustard with BITE/ This satire has (real) BITE.
    Have a bad or unpleasant effect=> The harmful effect of ST /////Show interest in buying ST=> If food has bite, it has a sharp or strong taste/ A powerful effect
  • My little brother's THE BRAINS of the family.
    the most intelligent person in a group, especially the person who plans what the group will do
    a person who says he or she can see what will happen in the future
    a device used to control things such as the speed of a clock, the temperature in a room, etc
  • Common PESTS such as rats, mice, or cockroaches/ Put that back, you little PEST!
    an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops/ (informal) an annoying person, especially a child
  • I was OUT OF MY DEPTH in the advanced class, so I moved to the intermediate class/ I'm not a strong swimmer, so I prefer not to go OUT OF MY DEPTH
    Nt havin the knowledge, exp, o skills t deal w a particular subject o situation/ In water tht is so deep tht it goes over ur head when u r standin
  • The couple RELOCATED TO Florida. There are plans to RELOCATE the main runway at the airport/ Many businesses in the region have closed or RELOCATED abroad=> RELOCATION
    Move o move ST o SB fm one place t another/ Move t a different place t work,o t b moved t a different place t work (HR)
  • On every street corner there were traders HAWKING their wares/ He has written a guide to finances which he plans to HAWK AROUND TO all the major publishers
    sell goods informally in public places/ Try to interest a person or company in a product, idea, etc
  • The budget deficit has TAKEN A BITE OUT OF federal funds.
    reduce the number or amount of something
  • She decided to have an ABORTION/The virus can cause ABORTION in cattle(MEDICAL)/This project is a complete ABORTION (A failure)(SLANG)=>He made two ABORTIVE attempts on it (An abortive attempt o plan has t b stopped bc it has failed) (FML)
    The intentional endin f a pregnancy/The early, unintentional endin f a pregnancy when a baby o young animal is born too early & dies bfr it is fully developed/.
    a member of the most developed & intelligent group of mammals, including humans, monkeys, & apes
  • "Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She WAS ON CLOUD NINE!"
    Be extremely happy and excited (IFML)
  • The country is gradually being sucked into the MAELSTROM of civil war.
    a situation in which there is great confusion, violence & destruction/An area of water that moves wt a very strong circular movement & sucks in anything
  • Keep your files in NUMERICAL order. The phone's voice-recognition system converts the sound into NUMERICAL data=> The risks involved can then be ranked NUMERICALLY
    involving or expressed in numbers (NUMERIC)
  • Millions of people watched the PROCEEDINGS on television/ PROCEEDINGS/ Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary PROCEEDINGS being taken against three naval officers.
    A series f events tht happen in a planned&controlled way/ A complete written record f wht is said o done during a meetin/ Legal action (LAW)
  • MISCELLANEOUS household items, His bedroom is full of guitars, keyboards, and MISCELLANEOUS instruments.
    Consisting of a mixture of various things that are not usually connected with each other
  • The kidnapping has caused the family months of HEARTBREAK and suffering=> The final scene, when they say goodbye for the last time, is HEARTBREAKING.
    feelings of great sadness or disappointment