
CIS G5 Social Science S1

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  • Where did the Aztec build the capital of their civilization?
    In Tenochitlan, in present-day Mexico
  • What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
    Jamestown, Virginia
  • Which of the following best describes the Aztec government? A - An empire united under a single ruler; B - a collection of city-states, each with its own ruler; C - tribal groups with no central government; D - a democracy with a president
    A - An empire under a single ruler
  • Which mountain range runs through the middle of the Inca empire?
  • Which trade gor France interested building colonies in the land called New France?
    Fur trade
  • The Aral Sea is located on which continent?
  • What was the first English colony in North America?
    Roanoke Island
  • On which lake did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink?
    Lake Superior
  • Although Pedro Alvares Cabral set sail for India, where did he accidentally end up reaching first?
  • What was unusual about the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan?
    It was built on an island
  • How were the Inca able to farm on mountainsides?
    They cut terraces into the land
  • What landmark was Bartolomeu Dias the first European to reach?
    Cape of Good Hope
  • How are lakes important to people all over the world? A - Provide water for crops, B- Provide recreational (fun) activities, C - Provide Sources of food, D - All of the above
    D, All of the above!
  • Who was the first European to sail up the Atlantic coast of the present-day United States?
    Giovanni da Verrazano
  • Where was the Maya civilization located?
    In and around the Yucatan peninsula
  • The Aztec were best known as: A - great road builders, B - fierce warriors, C - talented musicians, D - kindly rulers
    B - Fierce warriors
  • Which word best describes the Aztec before they built their empire? Sailors, farmers, wanderers, scientists
    Wanderers (nomads)
  • What did Henry Hudson accomplish?
    He sailed up a river into what is now New York State, and also found a huge inland sea in Canada
  • Where did Vasco da Gama explore?
    The Eastern coast of Afica
  • Which lake is the source of the Nile River?
    Lake Victoria
  • On which continent is Lake Maracaibo located?
    South America
  • Which Great Lake is entirely in the United States?
    Lake Michigan
  • What body of water did Vasco Nunez de Balboa reach with Francisco Pizarro?
    The Panama Canal
  • Why is Lake Tanganyika so long and narrow?
    It's in a rift valley
  • What do Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and Quito have in common?
    They were inca communities
  • Which of the following was NOT found in both the Maya and Aztec civilizations? A - the practice of human sacrifice, B - a number of independent city-states, C - impressive cities with grand buildings, D - life built around religion
    B - only the Maya civilization was made up of city states
  • Who was the He-Who-Sees-Everything in the Inca Empire?
    An inca tax collector and matchmaker
  • What tools did navigators use to know where they were and where they were going? A - Hull and caravel, B - Astrolabe and magnetic compass, C - Hourglass and sextant, D - Lateen and knots
    B: Astrolabe and magnetic compass
  • Who was the Spanish missionary who tried to end the enslavement of Indians?
    Bartolome de las Casas
  • Traders used the Caspian Sea to get from Asia to which continent?
  • Where are the Straits of Magellan?
    Near the southern tip of South America
  • Which Venetian explorer's book about his travels to Asia encouraged exploration?
    Marco Polo
  • What did Moctezuma and Atahualpa have in common?
    They were both rulers taken hostage by the Spanish invaders
  • Why do things on the bottom of Lake Baikal look like they're so close?
    The water is very clear
  • Which were the tallest and most important buildings in Maya cities?
  • Why was Inca stonework especially impressive?
    They didn't use mortar
  • The maya had advanced scientific knowledge, but they did NOT develop: A - telescopes, B - a system of numbers, C - an accurate calendar, D - a system of writing
    A - Telescopes
  • What was one reason the Aztec waged war so often?
    They needed more land for growing crops
  • Spain used a system of land and labor grants that encouraged Spanish settlers to settle in their newly conquered lands. What was the system called?
  • What animal played a central role in the life and culture of the Inca?
  • Why did Columbus call the people he met in the Bahamas "Indians"?
    He thought he had reached the East Indies
  • Which of the following explorers did NOT visit North America? Ferdinand Magellan, Giovanni da Verrazano, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson
    Ferdinand Magellan
  • Who was the Aztec ruler in 1519?
    Moctezuma II
  • Who provided leadership for Portuguese exploration in the 1400s?
    Prince Henry the Navigator
  • Which of the following lakes is NOT in Africa? Lake Chad, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika
    Lake Baikal
  • Which pair of adjectives best describes the way the Aztec and Inca first greeted the Spanish? A - threatening and violent; B - curious and friendly, C - bored and uninterested; D - bold and angry
    B - Curious and friendly
  • What important route did Bartolomeu Dias's discovery lead to?
    A Route to the Indian Ocean
  • Which North American area did Jacques Cartier claim for France?
    Canada, around Montreal
  • The Caspian Sea is located between which two continents?
    Asia and Europe
  • Which country took over the Spice Trade after Portugal weakened?
    The Netherlands
  • Who or what was Lake Victoria named after?
    Queen Victoria of England
  • What region did the Inca rule?
    The east coast of Central America
  • Where did Christopher Colombus make landfall on his first voyage?
    The Bahamas
  • What was the purpose of the Inca quipu?
    To record information
  • What structures would and archaeologist most likely find among the ruins of a Maya city? Canals, suspension bridges, causeways, or ball courts?
    Ball courts
  • Is the Aral Sea growing or shrinking?
  • What was the Middle Passage?
    The journey of enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas
  • What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?
    Divided the land in the western hemisphere between Spain and Portugal
  • Who was Sapa Inca?
    The sole ruler of the Inca Empire
  • What is one reason the Spaniards were able to quickly conquer the Aztec and Inca empires?
    Epidemics weakened the native people / Native populations were not fully united behind their rulers / Spaniards had better weapons and military tech
  • Who led the Spanish invasion of the Aztec Empire?
    Hernan Cortes