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  • ......... are t-shirts.
    Those are t-shirts.
    This is a t-shirt
    That is a t-shirt
    These are t-shirts
  • What is it?
    It's a pet
    It's a wild animal
    It's a farm animal
    It's a person
  • Is he happy ?
    No,she isnt.
    No,he isn't.
    Yes ,he is.
    Yes,she is.
  • Are you lonely ?
    Yes I am /No I'm not.
  • Is she happy?
    No,it isn't.
    Yes ,it is.
    Yes ,she is.
    No,she isn't.
  • Do you have a pet ?
    I have a pet / I don't have a pet
  • Do you share your toys with your friends?
    I share my toys with my friends
  • Which word is a feeling?
  • What are they ?
    The are farm animals
    They are people
    They are wild animals
    They are pets
  • What are you scared of?
    I am scared of ......
  • ........ are t-shirts.
    These are t-shirts
    This is a t-shirt
    Those are t-shirts
    That is a t-shirt.
  • Which pets do your friends have ?
    They have ............
  • What do you do with your friends?
    I go places together and play .
  • What animal is it?
    It's an elephant.
  • Are you scared of spiders?
    I am scared of spiders./ I am not scared of spiders.
  • What animal is it?
    It's a tortoise.
  • Do your friends have pets ?
    They have pets/ They don't have any pets.
  • ......... is a t-shirt.
    Those are t-shirts
    These are t-shirts
    This is a t-shirt
    That is a t-shirt
  • Does Mr.Baris have a pet ?
    Yes ,he does.He has a dog.
  • .......... is a t-shirt.
    These are t-shirts
    This is a t-shirt
    That is a t-shirt
    Those are t-shirts
  • What are they?
    They are animals.
    They are cars.
    They are toys.
    They are foods.