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  • an IN-DEPTH report/interview/analysis
    done carefully and in great detail
  • It won't matter if we JUGGLE the figures - no one will know. (IFML)
    Change results or information recorded as numbers so that a situation seems to be better than it really is
    a relative who lived in the past
  • The park was LITTERED WITH bottles and cans after the concert. Dirty clothes LITTERED the floor of her bedroom/ People who LITTER often have no pride in the area.
    Spread across an area or place untidily/ Drop rubbish on the ground in a public place
  • He described the plan as ambitious and AUDACIOUS=> His AUDACIOUSNESS in the final minutes won him the race.
    showing a willingness to take risks or offend people
  • The lease has to be REASSIGNED TO its new owner/ (Change SB's sex fm male t female o female t male,in a process tht includes medical operations)
    give ST t a different person,o t share things out in a different way/ The applicant must provide a birth or citizenship certificate in their REASSIGNED gender.
  • Your computer won't arrive till Thursday. IN THE MEANTIME, you can use Jude's. Carl's starting college in September. MEANWHILE, he's travelling around Europe.
    until something expected happens, or while something else is happening
  • Halfway through the meeting my mind started to WANDER/ Her mind is beginning to WANDER and she doesn't always know who I am(If u say tht an old person's mind is beginnin t wander, u mean tht they r startin t get very confused bc f 'eir age)
    If ur mind or ur thoughts wander, u stop thinkin abt the subject tht u should b givin ur attention t &start thinkin abt other matters
  • The newspaper received A DELUGE OF complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.
    a lot of something
  • My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and finally CULMINATED IN/WITH my resignation, Their many years of research have finally CULMINATED IN a cure for the disease/Secret negotiations CULMINATED IN the historic peace accord
    If an event or series of events culminates in ST, it ends with it, having developed until it reaches this point/Have as a result or be the final result of a pro
  • She was AT HER WITS' END trying to figure out how to control her 14-year-old son.
    so worried, confused, or annoyed that you do not know what to do next
  • a line of machines & workers in a factory that a product moves along while it's being built or produced. Each machine or worker performs a particular job that must be finished before the product moves to the next position in the line
    ASSEMBLY-LINE workers, He got a job on an ASSEMBLY LINE putting the foam and upholstery on the back seats of cars.
    said after an accident in order to make it seem less bad
  • The local CHAPTER of the League of Women Voters meets at the library.
    a local group that is part of a larger organization (US, FML)
  • The talks are due to RESUME today/ Please RESUME your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes=>The president called for an immediate ceasefire and a RESUMPTION OF negotiations between the two sides.
    (FML) If an activity resumes, o if u resume it, it starts again after a pause/ If u resume a place o position tht u hv left fo a period f time, u return to it
  • THUNDEROUS applause, A THUNDEROUS reception
    extremely loud
  • Have you tried this ice cream? It's THE BEE'S KNEES, it really is.
    be excellent or of an extremely high standard (OLD-FASHIONED, IFML)
  • Concern has been expressed about the death in DETENTION of a number of political prisoners/ She's had four DETENTIONS this term.
    the act of officially detaining SB/ A form of punishment in which children are made to stay at school for a short time after classes have ended
  • All information will be treated as strictly CONFIDENTIAL=> Members of a client's workforce can discuss CONFIDENTIALLY the reason for their absence, be it a mental or medical problem=> Patient/client CONFIDENTIALITY
    Secret or private, often in a formal, business, or military situation
  • The newspaper has a reputation for being LITTERED WITH spelling mistakes.
    A place, document, or other object that is littered with something has or contains a lot of that thing
  • I'd love to be A FLY ON THE WALL when those two get home!
    If u say that u'd like to be a fly on the wall on an occasion, u mean that u'd like to hear what will be said or see what will happen while not being noticed
  • Many parents find it hard to JUGGLE children and a career (IFML)
    succeed in arranging your life so that you have time to involve yourself in two or more different activities or groups of people
  • After all her WANDERINGS she had come back home to stay.
    time spent travelling around or going from one place or country to another
  • the CONGRESS of the Australian Council of Trade Unions/ They had engaged in sexual CONGRESS.
    A large fml meeting f representatives fm countries o societies at which ideas r discussed & info is exchanged/ The act f havin sex (FML)
  • One of the DRAWBACKS of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.
    a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation
  • Security did not prevent an INTERLOPER from getting onto the stage at the opening ceremony.
    someone who becomes involved in an activity or a social group without being asked, or enters a place without permission
  • We spent the morning WANDERING AROUND the old part of the city/ Her gaze WANDERED around the flat (If SB's hands o eyes wander, they touch o look in many different places,esp in a sexual way o when they shouldn't do this)
    Walk around slowly in a relaxed way o wo any clear purpose o direction/...=> WANDER (IFML)(A walk done in a slow relaxed way o wo any clear purpose o direction)
  • "How was the interview?" "Terrible, I messed up BIG TIME." Chrissy's into skiing BIG TIME (= likes skiing a lot)=> Steve Largent was regarded as Seattle's first BIG-TIME football star. She is ready to run a BIG-TIME political campaign.
    (IFML) If you do something big time, you do it to a great degree
  • ECCENTRIC behaviour=> My mother is something of an ECCENTRIC=> Although his reputation for ECCENTRICITY was well deserved, it was not true that he had asked to be buried in his car.
    strange o unusual,sometimes in a humorous way=> SB who behaves in an eccentric way
  • The BLURB on the back of the book says that it "will touch your heart".
    a short description of a book, film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, and intended to make people want to buy it or see it
  • A rotting branch PROTRUDED from the swamp like a ghostly arm. PROTRUDING ears/teeth=> A PROTRUSION on the cliffs looks like a human head.
    Stick out from or through something
  • We all watched in amazement as he jJUGGLED WITH three flaming torches.
    throw several objects up into the air & then catch & throw 'em up repeatedly so that one or more stays in the air, usu so as to entertain ppl
  • a LITTER of kittens
    A group of animals that are born at the same time & have the same mother/Dried grass o plant stems used by animals as a bed
  • Let's BRAVE the snow and go for a walk. She BRAVED the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen=> They introduced customers to the BRAVE NEW world of app-driven marketing.
    deal w an unpleasant o difficult situation=> Refer to something new, especially to suggest that there is some doubt that it can be good or successful
  • (When the sea or tide EBBS, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level)/ He could feel his strength EBBING (AWAY)=> We'll sail on THE EBB (The tide when it is movin away fm the coast)
    EBB/ If a physical or emotional feeling ebbs, it becomes less strong or disappears=> EBB TIDE (The regular movement of the sea away from the coast)
  • AVALANCHE/ We were swamped by an AVALANCHE of letters/phone calls/complaints (Too many things that arrive or happen at the same time)
    a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain
  • She had enough problems dealing with a WANDERING husband/ We've WANDERED OFF/FROM the point somewhat.
    Hv sexual relationships o exps outside f ur marriage o usual relationship/ Start talkin abt a different subject fm the one u were originally discussin
    the condition of being addicted to drugs or alcohol
  • I've got so many things to do today. I'm RUNNING AROUND LIKE A HEADLESS CHICKEN!
    Be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective
  • It's a beautiful horse but a bit too FRISKY for an inexperienced rider=> Outside, the April breeze travelled FRISKILY through the garden.
    (of a person or an animal) liking to play or full of activity (IFML)
  • That bacon sandwich really HIT THE SPOT!
    be exactly what is needed
  • The building's UPPERMOST floors were engulfed with flames. Store the canisters with their lids UPPERMOST. What's UPPERMOST in your mind just before a race?
    in the highest position or having the most importance
  • (IFML) He swam a mile every day and kept himself in TIPTOP shape.
    excellent; perfect
  • The media have a tendency to CRUCIFY organizations that try to do things differently.
    Kill SB by tying or nailing the person to a cross/ Criticize someone or something severely (IFML)
  • Even the most experienced batsmen were UNSETTLED by the speed of this bowler/ The airline's decision to cut air fares is likely to UNSETTLE the market=> An UNSETTLING effect on the stock market/I received the UNSETTLING news that I may lose
    make SB feel anxious o slightly worried/ Make ST change, in a way that makes it more difficult t know wht will happen
  • SEISMIC activity/waves (GEOGRAPHY)/ The news that the chairman would resign set off SEISMIC waves in the business community.
    Relatin t o caused by an earthquake/ Having very great & usu damaging effects
  • I'm not going to marry a rich man and be a TROPHY WIFE. Many men seek out younger TROPHY WIVES
    a young, attractive woman who is the wife of a rich and successful older person and acts as a symbol of the person's social position
  • Most exercise classes start gently, LULLING you INTO thinking that you're in good shape. Their promises LULLED us INTO a false sense of security (= made us feel safe, when in fact we were not)
    make someone feel safe in order to trick them
  • She has A HEART OF GOLD
    be very kind and generous
  • The warehouse has a SKELETON STAFF on Sundays.
    the smallest number of people needed for a business or organization to operate
  • A film exposing the sordid UNDERBELLY of modern urban society. Small businesses are the soft UNDERBELLY (= weakest parts) of the economy, and they need as much government support as possible.
    the weakest or most unpleasant part of something (LITERARY)
  • A STREAMLINED structure/system/ Our latest model has been revamped to give it a more modern, STREAMLINED look(A streamlined design o product has a smooth, attractive shape)
    A streamlined business, process, activity, etc. has been made simpler & more effective by reducin costs, the number f ppl involved in it, etc/.....
  • These drugs have a proven DELETERIOUS effect on the nervous system=> Many people have been DELETERIOUSLY affected by their actions.
    harmful (FML)
  • He GAVE a beautiful RECITATION OF some poems by Blake.
    saying a piece of writing aloud from memory
  • CONGRESS has rejected the president’s plan (POLITICS & GOVERNMENT)=> A CONGRESSIONAL committee=> CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT (An area from which a member of the US House of Representatives is elected)
    the elected group f ppl in the US who r responsible fo makin the law, consistin f the Senate & the House f Representatives=> CONGRESSMAN, CONGRESSWOMAN
  • "Could you give me a ride home tonight?" "SURE THING!"=> Your promotion is a SURE THING – you’re the best person for the job.
    used to show agreement => ST certain to win or succeed
  • It took a lot of AUDACITY to stand up and criticize the chairman. He had the AUDACITY to blame me for his mistake!
    courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking or rude
  • I know it's true, because I got it (STRAIGHT) FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH – Katie told me herself.
    directly from the person who has personal knowledge of the matter
  • The report criticizes the banks for being IMPRUDENT in their lending (FML)=> Newspapers warned of the perils of fiscal IMPRUDENCE in a country running a $20 billion public sector deficit.
    unwise, by failing to consider the likely results of your actions
  • The data is VALIDATED automatically by the computer after it has been entered/ He feels that today's economic problems VALIDATE his opposition to the policy=> External VALIDATION of the teachers' assessments is recommended.
    make ST officially acceptable or approved, esp after examining it/ Prove that ST is correct
  • He stared at us without BLINKING/ THE LIGHTS ARE BLINKING.
    Close and open the eyes quickly, once or several times/ If a light blinks, it flashes off and on.
  • It's depressing how much CONFORMITY there is in such young children/ Our goal is to improve CONFORMITY WITH customer requirements. CONFORMITY TO specification
    Behaviour that follows the usual standards that are expected by a group or society/The process of a product being made as it was designed, w/o mistakes or fault
  • She IMPLORE her parents not TO send her away to school.
    ask someone to do or not do something in a very sincere, emotional, and determined way
  • He was dazzled by FOG LIGHTS on an oncoming vehicle. I had my FOG LAMPS on.
    a bright light on a vehicle, used in fog or other conditions when it is difficult to see
  • Tighten the LUG NUTS on your car. Faulty LUG NUTS could cause the wheels to separate from the vehicle.
    a small metal object used for fastening a wheel onto a vehicle
  • The minister PAID TRIBUTE TO the men who had fought the blaze.
    to praise someone or something
  • SYLLOGISM (SOCIAL SCIENCES)=> SYLLOGISTIC reasoning ((In philosophy) relating to a process of logic in which two general statements lead to a more particular statement)
    (in philosophy) a process of logic in which two general statements lead to a more particular statement
  • We deeply DEPLORE the loss of life. He said that he DEPLORED all violence.
    say or think that something is very bad
  • They will be REASSIGNED to other duties in the department/ The case was then REASSIGNED TO a new judge=> REASSIGNMENT
    Give SB a different job o position (HR, WORKPLACE)/ Give a piece f work t a different person
  • They MADE complete PIGS OF themselves at the dinner.
    eat too much (MAKE A PIG OF YOURSELF)
  • The prime minister was extremely cautious, saying nothing inflammatory and giving no HOSTAGES TO FORTUNE
    an action or statement that could create problems for you later
  • This little stream can become a DELUGE when it rains heavily=> The city was DELUGED when the river burst its banks. We've been DELUGED WITH (= have received a lot of) replies
    a very large amount of rain or water=> Cover ST with a lot of water
  • The feeling of nausea COMES AND GOES
    exist or happen somewhere for a short time and then go away
    If a dead person or animal is reincarnated as someone or something else, their spirit returns to life in that person or animal.
  • Costa Rica's national parks have made it a center for ECOTOURISM (BUSINESS, GEOGRAPHY) (ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY)
    the business of organizing holidays to places of natural beauty in a way that helps local people and does not damage the environment
  • a ROWDY party, ROWDY behaviour=> They are taking a new approach to preventing ROWDINESS.
    noisy and possibly violent
  • I can't help you at the moment, I'm afraid. I've GOT BIGGER/ OTHER FISH TO FRY
    to have something more important to do (IFML)
  • After 20 years in prison, he had no idea about THE OUTSIDE WORLD
    things that are common in normal life but are not part of your experience
  • The men who arrived in the GUISE of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers. The company has been accused of trying to sell their products under the GUISE of market research.
    the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
  • In July WANDERLUST takes over the whole nation.
    the wish to travel far away and to many different places
  • The IMAGERY in the poem mostly relates to death. The film contains a lot of religious IMAGERY.
    the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations
  • He has a FLAIR for languages/ He played with great imagination and FLAIR.
    natural ability to do ST well/ A situation in which ST is done in an exciting and interesting way
  • A good sense of direction Which way is it? - I have no/a lousy SENSE OF DIRECTION!
    the ability to find places or to know which direction to go
  • good/poor ATTENDANCE RECORD. Do not underestimate the importance of having a good ATTENDANCE RECORD. It is one of the performance indicators that managers look at first
    a record of how often someone has been present somewhere, for example at work (HR, MANAGEMENT)
  • When you are a SMALL BUSINESS, bank charges really hurt. The tax changes will bring immediate benefits for SMALL BUSINESS (COMMERCE)
    a small company, or small companies as a group. A small business is often privately owned, does not employ many people, and has a low volume of sales
  • The film's success will no doubt please the 46-year-old director, who was rumoured to have lost his MAGIC TOUCH
    a special ability to do something very well
  • a book for children with a story that is divided into chapters (= separate parts, usually given a number or a title), rather than a book that has many pictures and a simple story told in few words
    This is a book that would appeal to a child making the leap from picture books to CHAPTER BOOKS (EDUCATION)
  • PRELIMINARY results show that the vaccine is effective, but this has to be confirmed by further medical trials=>After a few polite PRELIMINARIES (= introductions), we stated our main ideas and intentions.
    Comin before a more important action o event, esp introducin o preparin fo it=> An event o action tht introduces o prepares fo ST else
  • What an IMBECILE that boy is!
    a person who behaves in an extremely stupid way
  • That CHAPTER OF my life closed when I had a serious riding accident/He persuaded the cathedral CHAPTER to let the college use the room for worship (RELIGION)
    A period tht is part f a larger amount f time during which st happens/ A group f ppl tht is in charge f a religious community
    the scientific study of the sudden, violent movements of the earth connected with earthquakes
    frighten someone very much
  • I told him AT/FROM THE OUTSET I wasn't interested, FROM THE OUTSET we planned to conduct our research together.
    the beginning
  • A type of prison where young people can be kept for short periods of time/ A place where people who have entered a country without the necessary documents can be kept for short periods of time
  • After an infection we don't reopen a ward until it has been given a DEEP CLEAN=> 1500 hospitals were ordered by the government to be DEEP- CLEANED (Clean......)
    a very complete cleaning process that includes all parts of something, nt just surfaces o places where dirt cn b seen
  • The change in the exchange rate provided a TIMELY boost to the company's falling profits.
    happening at the best possible moment
  • We taught our dog to RETRIEVE a ball. Computers are used to store and RETRIEVE information efficiently. He RETRIEVED the documents FROM his colleague's desk=> Information storage and RETRIEVAL
    Find & bring back ST
  • Julian used an AX to chop down the old apple tree/ Three staff members got the AX yesterday. If the budget is cut, educational programs will get the AX, Everyone is scared to death wondering where the AX will fall next.
    CÁI RÌU/ The ax is the order to give up your job or to stop or prevent something from happening (UK: AXE)
  • Prices have GONE THROUGH THE ROOF/ When I was expelled from school, my parents WENT THROUGH THE ROOF (IFML)
    Rise to a very high level/ Get very angry
  • The company has already AXED 14 people, and many more may lose their jobs. Yesterday the airline AXED three of its daily flights to Chicago.
    Order someone suddenly to give up a job, or to stop or reduce something suddenly