
1st of BVT - Units 1 & 2

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  • My sister isn't / aren't 18 years old.
  • A: Is football your favourite sport? B: No, __________.
    it isn't
  • What's the nationality of a person from Ecuador?
    A person from Ecuador is Ecuadorian.
  • Translate: "Mi teléfono inteligente no tiene una buena cámara".
    My smartphone hasn't got a good camera.
  • What are these?
    They're headphones.
  • Translate: "Tengo un ordenador portátil nuevo".
    I've got a new laptop.
  • How do you say "adjunto"?
  • Where is a British person from?
    A British person is from the UK.
  • Brad and Sue have / has got a cousin in the USA.
    have got
  • I've / am got a good smartphone.
    've got
  • Rewrite in the negative form: "I've got a memory stick".
    I haven't got a memory stick.
  • A: Are you a gardener? B: Yes, __________.
    I am
  • How do you say "descargar"?
  • What's this?
    It's a smartwatch.
  • I'm not / aren't from Brazil.
    'm not
  • Rewrite in the negative form: "Janet has got three brothers".
    Janet hasn't got three brothers.
  • Rewrite in the negative form: "They're gardening students".
    They aren't gardening students.
  • Rewrite in the negative form: "She's my sister".
    She isn't my sister.