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  • What is interdependence?
    This is when people depend on each other for different things
  • What are the language groups found in Kenya?
    Bantu, Nilotes, Cushites, Semites
  • Give examples of historic built environments
    Museums, Monuments, Cultural centers, Historical Buildings
  • State three benefits of interdependence
    People are able to meet their basic needs, Promotes peace and unity in the society, people learn new skills, People adopt new attitudes and values
  • What do we call a place that has low population?
    Sparsely populated area
  • What do we call physical features that are related to water and its movement?
    Drainage features
  • What are the types of population distribution?
    scattered, linear and clustered
  • What country lies to the North of Kenya?
  • What are relief features?
    Physical features related to the shape of the earth
  • What is population?
    The number of people who live in a particular area
  • Give four examples of relief features
    Mountains, Plains, Plateaus, Hills, Valleys
  • What is population distribution?
    The way people are spread across an area
  • True or False: Historical buildings help teach us about our culture and the culture of others
  • What name is give to places that have cultural significance?
    Historical built environements
  • True or False: Places with hot and dry conditions are densely populated
  • What is a language group?
    A group of people who speak a similar language
  • Give three importance of physical features.
    They are sources of water, They attract tourists, They can be used to put up communication equipment, Attract tourists
  • What are the three groups that Nilotes are divided into?
    Plain Nilotes, River-lake Nilotes and Highland Nilotes
  • What is population density?
    The number of people per square kilometre
  • Name three places that have dense population
    gently sloping areas, areas with enough rainfall, places next to towns and markets
  • What methods of teaching were used in African Traditional Education?
    apprenticeship, observation, imitating, stories, proverbs, etc