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  • She'd been working for the same company for 15 years and it was time to leave and SPREAD HER WINGS
    use your abilities for the first time in your life to do new and exciting things
  • police FROGMEN
    SB who swims or works underwater for a long time wearing breathing equipment, flippers (= rubber or plastic shoes that are longer than the feet),& usu a rubber
  • We left the party and I wanted to CALL IT A NIGHT, but Martha invited people back for coffee. After two encores, the band finally CALLED IT A NIGHT and left the stage.
    Stop what you have been doing in the evening or night, often in order to go to bed
  • They took out a £40,000 MORTGAGE (they borrowed £40,000) to buy the house=> Their home was MORTGAGED up to the hilt (= the full value of their home had been borrowed).
    an agreement tht allows u t borrow money fm a bank o similar org,esp so as t buy a house,o the amount f money itself=> Borrow money t buy a house
  • As babies, the twins looked so much alike that I just couldn't TELL THEM APART
    be able to see the difference between two very similar things or people
  • IMPART the bad news I was rather quiet as I didn't feel I had much wisdom to IMPART ON the subject (FORMAL)/ Preservatives can IMPART colour and flavour to a product.
    communicate information to someone/ Give something a particular feeling, quality, or taste:
  • Would you consider FOSTERING (a child)?/ I'm trying to FOSTER an interest in classical music in my children.
    take care f a child,usu fo a limited time,wo bein the child's legal parent/ Encourage the development o growth f ideas o feelings
  • I thought he CARRIED OFF the part of Hamlet with great skill. She was nervous about giving a talk to her colleagues, but she CARRRIED it OFF very well.
    succeed in doing or achieving something difficult
  • Some workers were INHIBITED (from speaking) by the presence of their managers/ This drug INHIBITS the growth of tumours.
    Prevent someone from doing something by making them feel nervous or embarrassed/ Slow down a process or the growth of something
  • The system has the ability to CUMULATE data over a number of years/These small delays can CUMULATE & become a problem=>The CUMULATIVE effect of using so many chemicals on the land could b disastrous (Increasin by one addition after another)
    Collect a large amount f st over a period f time by gradually addin more/ Gradually increase by combinin w other things over a period f time=>
  • a cup of strong BLACK coffee, I like my tea BLACK, with sugar/ The future looked BLACK=> The soldiers used to BLACK their faces.
    wo any milk o cream added/ Wo hope=> Put a black substance on ST o t make ST black
  • Will you two stop BICKERING! They're always BICKERING WITH each other ABOUT/OVER their personal problems=> I'm tired of their constant BICKERING
    argue about things that are not important=> Arguments about things that are not important
  • I CONDENSED ten pages of comments INTO/TO two/ Humidity CONDENSED on the bathroom walls=> We get a lot of CONDENSATION on the walls in the winter.
    Reduce ST, such as a speech or piece of writing, in length/ Make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water/ Make water in the air appear on a surface
  • members of the ARISTOCRACY=> a prep-school-educated American ARISTOCRAT=> His ARISTOCRATIC manner alienated many voters.
    a class of people who hold high social rank
  • They died from inhaling NOXIOUS fumes/ A NOXIOUS smell/influence (FORMAL)
    Something, especially a gas or other substance, that is noxious is poisonous or very harmful/ Harmful and unpleasant
  • I wonder if Michael will CONDESCEND TO VISIT us? (HUMOROUS, USU)
    If u condescend to do ST,u agree to do ST u do not consider to be good enough for ur social position
  • There is a £6m BREAK FEE if the company sells out to another bidder/ We would like to pay off our mortgage early but there's a BREAK FEE involved. (BREAK-UP FEE) (LAW)
    a payment that a company must make if it does not keep an agreement to be sold to another company/A payment that u must make if u end an agreement before time
  • Two black-SUITED men
    (in compound adjectives) wearing a particular type of suit (-SUITED)
  • Our babysitter's just moved away, so we're ASKING AROUND for a replacement.
    Ask a lot of different people in order to get information or help
  • Analysts predict that the group will end the fiscal year IN THE BLACK (FINANCE, ACCOUNTING)/ Smaller shares ended IN THE BLACK, but with less dramatic gains than the blue chips(FINANCE, STOCK MARKET)/Our account will stay IN THE BLACK (BANK
    a company o org tht is in the black has made a profit/ Shares tht r in the black hv increased in value/ A bank account tht is in the black has money in it
  • If only she'd been called AN or Fla instead of the PROSAIC Jane. He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight-I told him the PROSAIC truth that I'd banged my head on a door/Only a few PROSAIC tables and chairs remained by the time we got her
    Without interest, imagination, & excitement/ Ordinary and not especially interesting or unusual
  • RADIO SILENCE may be imposed on other stations during a distress call/ He texted me every day for a week, and then: RADIO SILENCE
    a period of time when nothing is broadcast by radio/ A period of time when SB does not communicate with another person or other people
  • He claimed that he had been DEPRIVED OF his freedom/rights. You can't function properly when you're DEPRIVED OF sleep=> There were food shortages and other DEPRIVATIONS during the Civil War.
    Take ST, esp ST necessary o pleasant, away fm SB=> A situation in which u do nt hv things o conditions tht r usu considered necessary fo a pleasant life
  • We work with schools and colleges to help educators inspire students in STEM. We want to see more girls and women studying STEM subjects.
    abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (as subjects of study)
  • a peace TREATY, The TREATY on European union. We've signed/concluded a TREATY with neighbouring states to limit emissions of harmful gases.
    a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders
  • He failed again, but to GIVE HIM HIS DUE, he did try hard (GIVE SB THEIR DUE)=> Members of the society pay $1,000 in annual DUES.
    Said when u r praisin SB fo st good they hv done,although u dislike other things abt em=> The official payments tht u make t an org u belong t
  • FLAG any files that might be useful later/ We'll FLAG the records of interest in the database and then we can give you a print-out.
    Put a mark on ST so it cn b found easily among other similar things/ Mark computer info w one f 2 possible values so tht u cn deal w it later
  • She TOTTERED unsteadily down the stairs in her high-heeled shoes/ Several tall piles of books TOTTERED and fell/ The industry has TOTTERED from crisis to crisis now for two years.
    Walk wt difficulty in a way that looks as if u'r bout to fall/Shake & move frm side to side/(Company, government, etc)Become weaker & less likely to carry along
  • When we grow up, we realize that our parents aren't superhuman - they'RE (ONLY) FLESH AND BLOOD
    Have normal human limits, needs, etc.
  • DIVIDEND/ Policy DIVIDENDS allow policyholders to participate in the financial performance of the life insurance operation (A part f the profits f a life insurance company tht is paid t ppl who hv insurance w the company) (INSURANCE)
    DIVIDENDS will be sent to shareholders ((A part f) the profit f a company tht is paid t the ppl who own shares in it) (FINACE)/
  • Their first baby is DUE in January/ £50 is DUE TO me (DUE me) from the people I worked for last month. Our thanks are DUE TO everyone/ Phillips took DUE note of the key statistics
    expected t happen, arrive, a particular time/ Owed as a debt or as a right/ According t the usual custom o the correct process
    a folding chair for use outside, especially on the beach, on a ship, or in a park, with a long strip of material that forms a low seat when the chair is open
  • Some animals avoid being eaten by AGGREGATION in groups, such as schools of fish/ The process f collectin info fm several different websites, newspapers, databases, etc. & combinin it in one place,o the result f this process
    the process f combinin things o amounts into a single group o total/ You can view AGGREGATIONS of polling data at the site.
  • The inspection team FLAGGED a potential groundwater pollution problem. A laboratory test might have FLAGGED UP the potential dangers at a much earlier stage/ I was starting to FLAG after the ninth
    Warn o tell ppl abt ST tht is important o is a problem/ Become tired, weaker, o less effective
  • I hate the way he's so CONDESCENDING TO his staff!, He explains things without CONDESCENDING TO his audience=> He shook his head and smiled CONDESCENDINGLY. “Alex, honey, I’m on the phone,” she said, CONDESCENDINGLY.
    treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them
  • Shortages mean that even STAPLES(= basic foods) like bread are difficult to find. Phosphate has been a STAPLE of this area for many years=>The STAPLE diet here is mutton, fish and boiled potatoes.
    A main product or part of ST=> Basic or main; standard or regular
  • (IFML) "How's your research going?" "Oh, it's JOGGING ALONG."
    If something, such as your work, jogs along, it moves on at a slow but regular speed
  • STAPLE=> The list can then be STAPLED TO each batch of invoices. SheTAPLED S the two documents TOGETHER.
    .=> Fasten something using staples
  • I don't SUPPOSE (THAT) you could lend me £5 till tomorrow?/ Investment of this kind SUPPOSES (= would not be possible without) an increase in the company's profits this year.
    used in making polite requests/ Expect and need (FORMAL)
  • If anyone found out that I took the money, I'd DIE OF SHAME (IFML)
    feel extremely ashamed
  • IN ALL HONESTY, I do have some criticisms to make. (In All Honesty/Seriousness/Truthfulness)
    said when expressing your opinion honestly, seriously, or truthfully
  • Dan didn't answer his phone, so I SUPPOSE (THAT) he's busy, We all SUPPOSED him TO BE German, but in fact he was Swiss/ I SUPPOSE (THAT) all the tickets will be sold by now.
    Think that ST is likely to be true/ Used to show that u think ST is true, although u wish that it were not
  • IN (THE) AGGREGATE, the top 30 listed companies tend to get more money back from the government than they pay in tax.
    in total, after different prices, amounts, etc. have been added together
  • Several HYPOTHESES for global warming have been suggested (HYPOTHESIS)=> This is all very HYPOTHETICAL but supposing Jackie got the job, how would that affect you?
    an idea o explanation fo st tht is based on known facts but has not yet been proved=> Imagined o suggested but nt necessarily real o true
  • We HYPOTHESIZED that children of alcoholic fathers will demonstrate more behavioural problems (FML)
    give a possible but not yet proved explanation fo ST
  • The concert was excellent - there were lots of well-known songs with some new ones thrown in FOR GOOD MEASURE
  • It is a thrilling tale of a haunted house and the ghosts THEREIN (OLD-FASHIONED, FML)=> Her book is simply a collection of memories, told without conceit or self-absorption - and THEREIN LIES its power.
    In o into a particular place, thing, etc=> In wht has just been mentioned we see the reason o explanation fo (a particular situation,quality,o problem)
  • It wasn't very CONSIDERATE you to drink all the milk/ He is always a kind and CONSIDERATE host.
    kind and helpful/ Caring about and respectful of others
    a person, often a criminal, who gives information in secret to the police so that they can catch other criminals
  • A LAUDABLE goal/ambition The recycling programme is LAUDABLE, but does it save much money?
    (of actions and behaviour) deserving praise, even if there is little or no success
  • (FINANCE) A £110m interest payment to bondholders falls DUE on March 25=> From here, you go DUE east until you get to the Interstate.
    An amount tht is due on a particular date has t b paid on tht date=> In a direction that is straight towards the north, south, east, or west
  • (US)"Look over there!" he said, HANDING OFF his binoculars to the woman standing next to him/ He was happy to HAND OFF the ball more at the start of this season/(Give another person control f ST, o responsibility fo dealin w him, her, o it)
    pass o give ST t SB/In American football, t pass the ball directly into the hands f another player/ The work could be HANDED OFF TO another firm.
  • Organics is an area that has been FLAGGED UP by the Executive as a potential growth sector.
    emphasize the importance of something or mention it so that people know about it
  • Where have you been? You're soaking wet! You LOOK LIKE A DROWNED RAT
    Be very wet, especially because you have been in heavy rain
  • They defied/flouted/broke with CONVENTION by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient. CONVENTION dictates that it is the man who asks the woman to marry him and not the other way round.
    a usual o accepted way f behaving, esp in social situations, often following an old way f thinking o a custom in one particular society
  • The plants should be grown indoors until spring, when they can be TRANSPLANTED outside=> A liver/kidney TRANSPLANT, TRANSPLANT surgery/ His body accepted/rejected the TRANSPLANT=> TRANSPLANTATION
    move ST,o t b moved,fm one place o person t another=>A medical operation in which a new organ is put into SB's body/ST,esp a new organ,tht has been transplanted
  • With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be ideally SUITED TO/FOR the job/ They were never SUITED (TO each other) from the start - they don't have anything in common.
    right fo SB o ST/ If 2 ppl who hv a relationship r suited, they hv a good relationship tht will probably last, often bc they share a lot f interests
  • Rising costs are threatening the VIABILITY of many businesses/As the world population of Hawaiian geese has shrunk to very small numbers, the bird's continuing VIABILITY is in doubt (BIOLOGY)/ The longterm VIABILITY of the coal-fired power
    Ability to work as intended or to succeed/ Ability to continue to exist or develop as a living being/ The degree of chance that something will succeed:
  • Let’s CALL IT QUITS for today and get together first thing tomorrow. (IFML)
    agree to stop what you are doing
  • The plane REVOLVED 162 degrees onto its back. The earth REVOLVES around the sun, roughly in a circle. His life REVOLVES around (= He is only interested in) football.
    Move in a circle or a curve around a central point, or to cause something to do this
  • Deep-sea divers carry CYLINDERS of oxygen on their backs.
    a solid or hollow tube with long straight sides and two circular ends the same size, or an object shaped like this, often used as a container
  • The police showed him a photo to try to JOG HIS MEMORY about what had happened on the night of the robbery.
    Make someone remember something
  • If we lose the case we may be LIABLE FOR the costs of the whole trial (LAW)/The areas of town near the river are LIABLE TO flooding. He's LIABLE to make a fuss if you wake him/ He is guilty of an offence and LIABLE TO 14 years' imprisonment
    Havin (legal) responsibility fo ST o SB/ Vry likely o do ST/ If SB is liable to a punishment, they will receive that punishment (LAW)
  • They purchased an AGGREGATE OF 3,000 shares in the company/ Volumes of AGGREGATES, cement, and concrete used in the UK will rise this year=> The seven companies made an AGGREGATE profit of $10.2 million.
    ST formed by addin together several amounts o things/ Small stones used in building=> Formed by addin together several amounts o things; total
  • The guerrillas VOWED (that) they would overthrow the government. After the awful meals we had last Christmas, I VOWED to do more of the cooking myself=> She took/made a VOW never to lend money to anyone again.
    Make a determined decision o promise t do ST=> A serious promise or decision
  • We'll need to KEEP BACK some of the budget for travel later in the year./ I suspect she's KEEPING something BACK.
    Not use the whole amount of ST so that there is a small amount remaining for later/Not tell SB everything u know about a situation or an event that has happened
  • He treats his players fairly and never CONDESCENDS TO them=> Some directors treat actors with CONDESCENSION
    Behave in a way which shows that you consider yourself to be better or more intelligent than other people
  • A police officer FLAGGED US DOWN
    signal that a vehicle or person should stop by waving
  • The company did $15.6 million in business with the federal government last year, according to data AGGREGATED by OMB/ Mobile and satellite communications systems AGGREGATE a range of services
    Add different prices, amounts, etc. so as t get a total/ Combine different products o services & sell em together
  • The neglected child was removed from her home and placed with a FOSTER family. As a child, he had lived with a series of FOSTER parents.
    used to refer to someone or something connected with the care of children, usually for a limited time, by someone who is not the child's legal parent
  • (OLD-FASHIONED, IFML) the BROUHAHA over his latest novel/ There was a big BROUHAHA when the town council decided to close the park.
    a lot of noise or angry complaining about something/ A situation that causes upset, anger, or confusion
  • The hotel used to be the best in town, but since the new manager took over it's really GONE TO THE DOGS
    If a country or organization is going to the dogs, it is becoming very much less successful than it was in the past.
  • He was fined and given two years' PROBATION. The judge PUT him ON PROBATION for two years/ A period of PROBATION(A period f time at the start f a new job when u r watched & tested t see if u r suitable fo the job)
    a period f time when a criminal must behave well & nt commit any more crimes so as t avoid bein sent t prison/...
  • The national Democratic CONVENTION. Where are they holding their party CONVENTION?/ An artistic CONVENTION
    A large formal meeting f ppl who do a particular job o hv a similar interest, o a large meeting fo a political party/ A common way f showing ST in art o writing
  • We sat down and started the exam under the EAGLE EYE of the teacher=> My EAGLE-EYED mother noticed that some biscuits were missing. An EAGLE-EYED editor corrected the misspelling.
    If someone has an eagle eye, they notice everything, even very small details
  • Here's a RUNDOWN ON/OF the activities of our ten biggest competitors/ The general RUNDOWN of the army
    a report that provides the most important information about ST/ A reduction in the size or quality of ST
  • I SUPPOSE (THAT) you're going to be late again. I SUPPOSE (THAT) you think that's funny. Well, I certainly don't/ "Can I go out tonight?" "Oh, I SUPPOSE so." I don't agree with it, but I SUPPOSE (THAT) it's for the best
    Used when you are annoyed/ Used to show unwillingness to agree
  • This is the biggest shopping day of the year, when retailers aim to GO INTO THE BLACK/ The main index actually MOVED back INTO THE BLACK late afternoon (Go Into/Move Into/Return To, Etc. The Black)
    Start makin a profit aftr losin money/ Increase in value
  • You will receive notification of the results IN DUE COURSE=> I'm DUE FOR a promotion soon.
    at a suitable time in the future (FML)=> If u r due fo st,u expect t receive it,bc u deserve it
    any of several medical conditions that prevent people sleeping in a normal way
  • After a couple of drinks he lost his INHIBITION and started talking and laughing loudly/ The therapy provides INHIBITION of inflammation (MEDICAL, SPECIALIZED)
    A feeling of embarrassment or worry that prevents u frm saying o doing what u want/The act of stopping or slowing down a process, or the fact of this happening
  • "Yeah, so what?" came the GRUFF reply. He's quite a sweet man beneath the GRUFF exterior=> "You drive," Casey GRUFFLY told Jack.
    (of a person's voice) low and unfriendly, or (of a person's behaviour) unfriendly or showing no patience
    informal to be an excellent person or thing
  • Gene's ON PROBATION this semester. (US)
    a period of time during which a student who has not performed well must continue to have a particular grade point average in order to stay in school
  • If somebody CALLS something INTO QUESTION, then let's stop and review it./ The chief executive's popularity has sunk to levels that BRING his legitimacy INTO QUESTION
    Express doubt about ST/ Make people feel doubt about ST (CALL/BRING STH INTO QUESTION)
  • a MORBID fascination with death/ She had to have gastric bypass surgery to avoid dying from MORBID obesity. Pathological anatomy (or MORBID anatomy) is the study of diseased organs (MEDICAL, SPECIALIZED) => MORBIDLY
    Too interested in unpleasant subjects, esp death/ Relating to or caused by disease
  • ABYSMAL working conditions The food was ABYSMAL. The standard of the students' work is ABYSMAL=> It was an ABYSMALLY poor interview. The critics were ABYSMALLY wrong on almost every point.
    very bad
  • I heard the BONG of the grandfather clock.
    a musical noise made especially by a large clock
  • someone who is put in prison for expressing disapproval of their own government, or for belonging to an organization, race, or social group not approved of by that government
  • (US) Has Adam learned to TELL TIME yet?
    be able to read the time from a clock
  • SUPPOSE we miss the train - what will we do then?, We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, SUPPOSING (= if) I don't have to work that day.
    Used at the beginning of a sentence or clause to mean 'what would happen if'
  • Bill JOGS for 30 minutes every morning before breakfast (I think I’ll go out for a JOG)/ A man rushed past and JOGGED her elbow, making her drop the bag/ The horse and cart JOGGED DOWN the rough track towards the farm.
    Run at a slow regular speed, esp as a form of exercise/Push o knock SB o ST slightly, esp wt ur arm/Move forward slowly wt a lot of shaking o movement up & down
    a person whose job is to regularly see people who have committed crimes and who are on probation, and to help them to avoid committing crimes again
  • The government was accused of failing to FLY THE FLAG for British farmers at the negotiations.
    Show support for the country, group, or organization that you belong to
  • She had her baby on September 5th, ten days after her DUE DATE/ If the fee is not paid within 45 days of the DUE DATE, a £75 late fee will be applied.
    the date on which a woman's baby is expected t b born/ The date by which ST has to be done or paid
  • J.J. Abrams was the creator and EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of "Lost".
    a person who is in charge of a TV series and has control over creative and management decisions that relate to it
  • He was present at the CORONATION of Queen Victoria/ If nobody else stands against him this won't be a vote, it will be a CORONATION
    A ceremony at which a person is made king or queen/ An occasion when SB is chosen for an important job without having to win an election or other competition
  • a bar/kitchen/piano STOOL, A three-legged STOOL/ He told the doctor he had been passing bloody STOOLS
    a seat without any support for the back or arms/ (MEDICAL, specialized)A piece of solid waste from the body
  • He watched her expression as she UNFOLDED the letter. She UNFOLDED a deckchair and sat down/ Like a lot of people, I've watched the events of the last few days UNFOLD on TV/ (FORMAL) Gradually, the author unfolds a fantastical tale.
    Open o spread out ST that has been folded/ If a situation o story unfolds, it develops o becomes clear to other ppl/ Tell a story or explain ST such as a plan
  • These claims are DUBIOUS and not scientifically proven/ I'm DUBIOUS ABOUT his promises to change his ways.
    thought nt t b completely true o nt able t b trusted/ feeling doubt or not feeling certain: