
Colonial Brazil 1

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  • When did the Royal Family arrive in Brazil?
  • Which country most receive African slaves in the American territory?
  • True or false: Only British tried to invade Brazil.
  • What was the term used to described the Portuguese who owned the hereditary captaincies?
  • What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
    An agreement between Portugal and Spain to divide the world's lands.
  • True or false: Brazil was divided in 10 hereditary captancies
  • Name two explorers/navigators who were responsible for the discovery of the American territory
    Christopher Columbus and Pedro Alvarez Cabral
  • When was Brazil "discovered" officially?
    in 1500
  • Who were called the first inhabitants of Brazil?
  • True or false: There were 15 captaincies during the colonial Brazil.
  • In the 16th century, people explored _____________ and developed the cultivation of _________________.
    Pau brasil - sugarcane
  • Complete the sentence: Acoording to the Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain had control over the lands at __________________ of the line.
  • What was the goal of the Jesuits?
    Educate and convert people to the Catholicism.
  • Name at least 2 conflicts that happen during the colonial Brazil
    War of the Emboabas / InconfidĂȘncia mineira / Revolt of the Tailors
  • True or false: British, Dutch and French people tried to invade Brazil
  • What was the first capital of Brazil?
  • Complete the sentence: Acoording to the Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal had control over the lands at __________________ of the line.
  • General governors were also called ____________________.
    Vice kings