
Narrative descriptions

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  • What is your favorite holiday? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is the scariest experience you have had? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What was the best vacation that you ever went on? tell about it in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is your favorite room in your house? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is the best restaurant you have ever been to? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is the worst weather experience you have ever had? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is the best birthday present you ever received? Tell about it in a story format
    Told a personal story
  • If you got a car for your 16th birthday, what kind of car would you want? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What is your proudest moment? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • If you won a trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Tell in a story format
    Told a story
  • What kind of house would you like to live in? Tell in a story format
    Told a story