
Be Like Sherlock!

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  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me set the table?
  • Can you help me?
    Sorry, I can’t. / I’m afraid I can’t.
  • Can you help me?
    No problem. / Of course.
  • Ask for help.
    Can you take care of my dog this weekend?
  • It’s not there anymore.
    I guess Spot took it.
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you're you’re flying a kite.
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me water the plants?
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me wash the dishes?
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me clean the board?
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you're fishing.
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me carry these books?
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you're playing the piano.
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me post this notice on the bulletin board?
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you're working on the computer.
  • Ask for help.
    Can you help me mop the floor?
  • Can you help me?
    No problem. / Of course.
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you’re dancing.
  • Can you help me?
    Sorry, I can’t. / I’m afraid I can’t.
  • Guess what I am doing.
    I guess you're going up a ladder.