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  • Where can we find icebergs?
    We can find icebergs in Canada.
  • I am from Italy.( What's the question?)
    Where are you from?
  • It's over there. (what's the question?)
    Where is the market?
  • Where does she want to go?
    She wants to go home.
  • Where can we find Mount Fuji?
    We can find it in Japan.
  • What's this?
    I don't know./ It's all Greek to me.
  • Where are your friends from?
    They are from Japan
  • Where can you find walruses?
    We can find them in Canada.
  • Is Mike from Taiwan?
    No he isn't. He is from Taiwan.
  • No they aren't. Dr. K is from from Canada, and Peter is from Italy. (what's the question?)
    Are they from the UK?
  • Where can you find the Big Ben?
    I can find the Big Ben in the UK.
  • Is Brad from Italy?
    Yes he is.
  • Where is he from?
    He is from the USA.
  • Where is James from?
    He is from Greece.
  • Where can we find camels?
    We can find them in Egypt.
  • Where can we find the cn tower?
    We can find it in Canada.
  • We are from Taiwan.( What's the question?)
    Where are you from?
  • Where can we find the pyramids?
    We can find the pyramids in Egypt.
  • Where can we find the Greek Temple.?
    The temple is in Greece.
  • Where can we find statue of liberty?
    We can find it in the USA.
  • Is she from the USA?
    No she isn't. She is from Egypt.
  • Where can we find the leaning tower ?
    The leaning tower is in Italy.
  • Where can we find Taipei 101?
    We can find it in Taiwan.
  • Dr. K is from Canada. (What's the question?)
    Where is she from?
  • Where can we find double decker buses?
    We can find them in the UK.
  • Where is Peter from?
    He is from Italy.
  • Who's key is it?
    That's my father's key.
  • They are from Japan.( What's the question?)
    Where are they from?
  • Are they from Greece?
    No they aren't. They are from Canada.
  • Where are you from?
    I am from Taiwan.
  • Where is Victor?
    He is in the market.