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  • Describe the man in the red circle with 3 adjectives. (Hint: He comes from Britain)
    He is a big old British man.
  • He's riding a ____________ quad bike. (metal/ silver and black)
    silver and black metal
  • Describe this board with 3 adjectives at least. (Hint: I bought it yesterday.)
    It is a big new (rectangular) white board.
  • Alex Rider is wearing a ___________ jacket. (black/ cool/ leather)
    cool black leather
  • How does this dress look? A. It is a long beautiful pink silk dress. / B. It is a beautiful long pink silk dress. / C. It is a beautiful pink long silk dress.
    B. It is a beautiful long pink silk dress.
  • He has got _______________ hair. A. untidy long blond / B. long untidy blond / C. untidy blond long
    A. untidy long blond
  • Describe the boy in the red circle with 3 adjectives.
    He is a funny short young boy.
  • Describe this car with 3 adjectives at least. (Hint: It costs 3000$.)
    This is an expensive (big) new red car.