
Reading Street Trimester 1 Vocab

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  • pueblo
    a Native American village
  • recycled
    processed to be used again
  • persisted
    held firmly
  • decades
    periods of ten years
  • rowdy
    rough, disorderly
  • romping
    playing in a rough way
  • slung
    thrown, hurled
  • fixed
    held steady
  • obsidian
    hard, dark, glassy rock formed from cool lava
  • survive
    to continue to exist, remain
  • nudge
    push gently
  • morsel
    small piece of food
  • flimsy
    easily torn or broken
  • incident
    something that happens
  • equator
    imaginary circle around the middle of Earth
  • quietly
    in a manner that makes little or no noise
  • speckled
    marked with many small spots
  • groping
    reaching about uncertainly
  • superstitious
    characterized by having unreasonable beliefs
  • prehistoric
    from a time before recorded history
  • collide
    to strike violently together
  • watchfully
    looking closely, being observant
  • subscribe
    to give your consent or approval
  • Astronomers
    Scientists who study the Sun, Moon, planets, starts, and galaxies
  • trowels
    flat-bladed tools used for spreading mortar
  • evaporates
    changes from a liquid to a gas
  • compact
    firmly packed together
  • destination
    place where you are going
  • restore
    to make new again by rebuilding or fixing
  • exported
    sent good out of a country for sale
  • Alcoves
    small rooms opening out of larger rooms
  • mechanical
    having to do with a machine or machinery
  • furious
    violent or uncontrolled
  • vigil
    act or period of watching
  • ruff
    fur or feathers around the neck of an animal
  • pottery
    any object made with clay and hardened with heat
  • corridors
    narrow hallways or passageways
  • lunging
    moving forward suddenly
  • approximately
    to be more or less exact, about
  • tropics
    regions near the equator
  • Collapse
    to cave in, fall in on itself
  • charities
    organizations that help those in need or the environment
  • apparently
  • particles
    extremely small units of matter
  • basin
    land drained by a river
  • mongrel
    animal that is a mix of different breeds
  • nub
    lump or small piece
  • erosion
    gradual wear by water, waves, or wind
  • industrial
    connected with business, trade, or manufactured goods
  • fixtures
    things put in place to stay
  • excavated
    uncovered, unearthed, dug out
  • menacing
  • divine
    supremely great or holy, godlike
  • galaxy
    a group of billions of stars forming one system
  • pleas
    earnest requests
  • terra cotta
    hard, reddish-brown clayware
  • stooped
    bent forward