
3V - Discussing Test Unit 1

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  • They used to write eachother every week.
    each other
  • My coach didn't used to doubt me.
    use to
  • Kitty adored Van Gogh's paintings for quite some time now.
    has adored
  • Where did Ralf and Kim met after school yesterday.
  • They had dinner when I was calling them.
    were having/called
  • My bike is muddy! What did you do with it?
    have you done
  • I intend to get it sorted last summer.
  • You can't swim in this pool in the winter.
    in winter
  • Two mistakes - I lived in the Netherland since last year.
    have lived / Netherlands
  • This picture of my sister and I has a story behind it.
    and me
  • I skiped maths on Tuesday.
  • Marcus has just took Georgia to the station.
    has just taken
  • Is it true that you didn't speak with Tim since last Saturday?
    haven't spoken
  • It is a custom for me to make my homework. I do it every day.
    do my homework
  • I never have played tennis before when I started the sport.
    I had never played
  • Neglect - If someone buys new clothes and doesn't wear them, he neglects the clothes.
    You can't really neglect clothes.
  • Georgia hasn't find the old albums yet.
    hasn't found
  • I don't think I have the same look on that.
    outlook / I don't think the same / I have a different opinion
  • I would prefere to live in the UK.
  • We all should be polite to people we don't know. We must speak formal and dress formal.
  • The son of my friend was so polite. He helped me with cleaning the house and he spoke distinguished to me.
    You can't speak distinguished(ly)
  • He neglected his friends to long, so they left him.
  • Did you hear the news? President Trump is dead!
    Have you heard
  • Has Jim payed for these chips yet?
  • Gemma didn't hear the phone, beacuse she strolled in the park.
    was strolling
  • I remember that you bend down to look under the table yesterday.
    bent down
  • I have seen Cathy when I came in.
  • I definitly prefer the green one!
  • This foto of me and my sister has a great story behind it.
  • Does Charles play violin?
    the violin
  • Everyday I shower and then brush my teeth, it became custom.
    a custom
  • Libby is so sorry. She broke a very nice vase.
    has broken
  • Meaningful or not? - I am very polite. I always help people.
    NOT really...
  • Meaningful or not? - I want you to be polite when you get your gifts.
    NOT really
  • Meaningful or not? - That man that helped me was very polite, he was really nice.
    NOT really