
Science & Art

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  • Researcher Jonas Salk was born to poor Russian immigrants in what US city?
    New York City
  • The Renaissance theory supported by Galileo and others that stated the Earth revolved around the sun.
  • What is the full name of the person who created the first effective vaccine against Polio?
    Jonas Salk
  • This Holy Roman Emperor would employ Mozart as his personal chamber performer.
    Joseph II
  • This organization was founded by a US president in 1937 to help the public fight Polio epidemics.
    The March of Dimes
  • This US president was disabled by Polio, but did not tell the public.
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • What is the full name of this famous composer born in Salsburg?
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • This rival of Jonas Salk attempted to make an oral polio vaccine.
    Albert Sabin
  • This 1786 opera by Mozart would make him famous across Europe.
    The Marriage of Figaro
  • This was one of Mozart's most famous works which he composed while dying.
    The Magic Flute
  • This movement by the church was opposed to heliocentrism and arrested Galileo for it.
    The Roman Inquisition
  • The moons of this planet were named after the powerful Medici family in the book Sidereus Nuncius.
  • In this now Austrian city, Mozart became a popular composer and concert player.
  • This book published by Galileo showed things he discovered in his telescope, like Jupiter's moons.
    The Starry Messenger
  • Galileo was born in this Italian town outside of Florence.
  • Galileo invented one of the first examples of these while still a student.