
Complex Sentences

  • The selected game type is invalid.
  •   0%
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  • When Danica finally dove off the high diving board, everyone cheered.
    dependent clauses
  • Because of a landslide, the road was closed.
  • I love broccoli now because we roasted it in the oven
    dependent clauses
  • We had to leave early in the morning even though it was still dark.
    dependent clauses
  • Since winter is coming, it is time to get my heavy coat out.
    independent clause
  • While the deer stopped to eat grass.
    dependent clause
  • When we opened the door, our dog rushed out of the house.
  • After the storm was over, Kareem saw large branches on the ground.
    independent clause
  • As Lindsey read her book, she ate one raisin per page.
  • Before I arrived in New York
    dependent clause