
City life & Country life

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  • Which are some famous places in your hometown?
  • Where do you live in your hometown? ( house/ flat)
    I live in ...
  • What is the weather like in your hometown?
    It's ..........
  • How many seasons are there in your hometown?
    There are ..........
  • Which activities do people usually do at weekend?
    They .............
  • Which means of transport in your hometown?
    ( cars, trains, motorbikes,...)
  • What do you like most about your hometown?
    I like .......................
  • Is everything expensive in your hometown?
    Yes/ No
  • What do you dislike about your hometown?
    I don't like ............
  • Which jobs do people usually do in your hometown?
    They ...........
  • How are the people in your hometown? ( friendly / selfish/ helpful )
    They're ...............
  • Where is your hometown?
    My home town is in .........
  • Which is the famous food in your hometown?
    People usually eat ............