
Dau Huyen and Internet Slang

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  • AFK
    Away from Keyboard
  • TLDR
    Too Long; Didn't Read
  • ASAP
    As Soon as Possible
  • WTF
    What the f*ck
  • TBH
    To be honest...
  • FOMO
    Fear of Missing Out
  • colleague
    My colleagues are very smart
  • FAQ
    Frequently Asked Questions
  • Sprint
    A new sprint starts Monday
  • LOL
    Laugh out loud
  • BTW
    By the way...
  • LMAO
    Laughing my ass off
  • Bug
    I found the bug in the project module
  • comment
    Send me your comments by EOD Friday
  • FUD
    Fear Uncertainty Doubt
  • merge
    Merge the module
  • IMO
    In my opinion...
  • IRL
    In real life...
  • COB
    Close of Business (end of day)
  • NP
    No problem
  • BRB
    Be right back
  • OMG
    Oh My God...