
Air travel

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  • The passage or corridor in the middle of the plane
  • During a flight when the plane moves in the air quite violently.
  • Translate the sentence: 'Samolot wystartował opóźniony.'
    The plane took off late.
  • You get this when you travel between several time zones and feel very tired.
    jet lag
  • This is ...
    baggage reclaim
  • You can usually take one item of this type of luggage with you onto the plane.
    hand luggage
  • Complete the sentence: The ... was quite quick because the road was clear .
  • When you have a lot of luggage you can use a ... .
  • You can see a ...
    seat belt
  • Translate the sentence: 'Kiedy wysiadłem z samolotu zaczęło padać.'
    When I got off the plane, it started to rain.
  • An international flight which goes across continents and lasts a few hours.
    long-haul / long-distance flight
  • The area at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting
  • Translate the sentence: "Czy możesz mnie odebrać z lotniska?'
    Can you pick me up from the airport?
  • lot z przesiadką
    connecting flight
  • The area at the airport where yourluggage might be checked to see if you don't carry illegal goods
  • The area where the planes land
  • lot bezpośredni
    direct flight
  • Complete the sentence: 'Passengers without documents will not be allowed to ... '.
  • rząd
  • You need this 'ticket' / card before you can get on the plane.
    boarding pass
  • Complete the sentence: 'We're going on a ... to Norway this summer.'