
American Revolution

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  • It took more than two years to reach a peace agreement between the new United States and Britain, what is the name of that peace agreement??
    Treaty of Paris
  • The “shot heard round the world” kicks off the American Revolutionary War during what battle(s)?
    Battle of Lexington and Concord
  • Frustration with the British government was increasing daily, colonial leaders gathered to discuss and debate their next steps at what meeting?
    First Continental Congress
  • Who are the patriots?
    Colonists who wanted independence from Britain
  • How did colonist protest against the British East India Company and their monopoly on tea?
    Boston Tea Party
  • Tensions between colonist and British troops exploded during a protest turned violent, what is this event called?
    Boston Massacre
  • Why was the Battle of Saratoga important?
    The Continental Army Victory convinced the French to join the war on the side of the colonists.
  • Who were the minutemen?
    Patriot soldiers who could be ready for battle in a minutes notice
  • At this battle although the colonists lost, they proved that they would be a much tougher opponent than the British had anticipated.
    Battle of Bunker Hill
  • What law gave the British East India Company a monopoly on the sale of a popular hot drink?
    Tea Act
  • During this meeting, the Continental Army is formed under the direction of General George Washington.
    Second Continental Congress
  • This is the last major battle of the war
    Battle of Yorktown
  • What are the 3 unalienable rights according to the Declaration of Independence?
    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
  • Who were considered loyalists?
    colonists who supported Britain
  • This was a tax on sugar, molasses, coffee, and wine.
    Sugar Act
  • Who are the redcoats?
    British soldiers
  • Which colony did not attend the First Continental Congress
  • What act put a tax on paper goods requiring payment for an official stamp?
    Stamp Act
  • What day did the Second Continental Congress approve the Declaration of Independence?
    July 4, 1776
  • This document formally announced the colonies’ break from Great Britain.
    Declaration of Independence
  • Who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • An act of protest when people refuse to buy goods from a certain country or company.