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  • Girls were allowed in FFA in what year
  • What is the Program of Activities?
    Roadmap for the chapter activities
  • What is the FFA Motto?
    Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve
  • What are the 3 main topics in the FFA Mission Statement
    Premiere Leadership, personal growth, and career success
  • What 2 National Conventions was the FFA Creed Revised?
    38th and 63rd
  • Who wrote the FFA Creed?
    EM Tiffany
  • What are the 3 primary aims of the FFA?
    Leadership, Cooperation, and Citizenship
  • FFA Week is always held the week of:
    Feb 22, George Washington's Birthday
  • The first National FFA President was:
    Leslie Applegate
  • Where is the Illinois FFA Center located?
  • FFA and NFA Consolidated in what year
  • What is George Washington to the FFA?
    Patron Saint
  • What is one requirement to receive your greenhand degree?
    Answers will vary
  • What do the letters POA stand for?
    Program of Activities
  • What does SAE stand for?
    Supervised Agricultural Experience
  • Explain what a placement SAE is
    Work for somebody else
  • List the 4 highest awards you can earn in the FFA
    Star Farmer, Star Agribusiness, Star Placement, Star Agriscience
  • The first Executive Secretary of the FFA was:
    Henry Groseclose
  • Explain what entrepreneurship mean?
    Own your own business
  • FFA was originally organized in what year?
  • How many medals can you wear on your FFA Jacket?
  • Why is the Pledge of Allegiance important to the FFA?
    The FFA Salute
  • What does CDE stand for?
    Career Development Event
  • What are the 3 circles in the 3 circle model?
    Classroom/Lab, SAE, FFA
  • What National Convention was the FFA Creed adopted?
    3rd National Convention
  • The the 5 degrees of active membership, in order.
    Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American
  • The National FFA Center is located in what city?
    Indianapolis, IN
  • What are the official FFA colors?
    National Blue and Corn Gold