
A4 Unit 2 Vocab

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  • I crashed/was crashing into the car because I wasn't looking where I went/was going
    crashed was going
  • The company made a p_______________ of €50,000 this year.
  • Did they win/Were they winning the match when you left?
    Were they winning
  • I saw an interesting d_________________ about Ancient Egypt on TV yesterday.
  • What did you do/were you doing this time yesterday?
    were you doing
  • We watched/were watching TV when we heard/were hearing about the accident
    were watching heard
  • Asafa Powell broke the r__________ for the 100 metres. He ran it in 9.77 seconds.
  • When I last saw/was seeing my sister, she looked/was looking for a flat in Madrid
    saw was looking
  • I’m sure that actor’s had p_____ s__________. He looks twenty years younger!
    plastic surgery
  • I was/was being at school when I started/was starting learning French
    was started
  • Platform shoes are back! The shoes from the 70s have c _______ i______ fashion once again.
    come into
  • Speeding drivers cause a lot of a_____________.
  • The p________________ announced the winner of the game show.
  • My husband threw his shoe at the television and broke the s_____________ into a thousand pieces.
  • American actor Anne Hathaway is going to p____________ on the London stage in a new play by John Miller.
  • There’s an a____________ about immigration in the newspaper today.
  • Did you read about the play? It was in the a_________________ section of the paper.